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就像老子说的:“ 道冲,而用之或不盈,渊兮似万物之宗。”
"It‘s all from me, there's nothing that I can hear doesn't come from me, otherwise I can't hear it. They're thinking it exactly the same way I thought it. So if I can understand me, then I can understand them. If I can meet my thoughts, then I can meet them. Vice vers. Nothing new, nothing new." ------ Angela Yang 
上面这段是果冻昨日的收获,Gratitude to Katie.
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You know, people hold you as whatever, I don't know.you know, I haven't , I guess as a spiritual teacher, what is even kind of how I held my teacher, as a teacher, as a,,, higher , in the hierarchy of life, someone with answers, someone to emulate...
你知道,人们会将你看成是,,嗯, 我也不知道,你明白,我猜人们会把你当成老师,就像是我看待我的老师那样,当做是一个老师,嗯,更高级别的,精神层面更高的人,嗯,拥有最终答案的人, 当做想要去模仿的人。
So you're describing the way a child sees their parent, (Right.) or the way a friend sees their friends.(Right).So no difference. (What's the problem?) Yeah.( Is it a problem? No? ) Well,it's not a problem for me, becasue if someone loves me, they're loving the right person.(Right.) If they're loving me for my genuineness. And so I am so~ at home with that.(Right). And uh, and uh, love is the power,and if we can love one human being, we get a hit of our own capacity to love.(I totally get that.) And and it goes, you know, eventuallly it's not what ,people who, who question what they believe, come to see that it's not that person outside of them that is giving them that, it is, it's an experience and it, it comes from their thoughts about that teacher, and that's what they're loving, the the story of my teacher is this, this, and this. So again, that's uh, who people believe me to be.
Now, people who who see me as the extreme opposite, whatever that may be,like something very negative. okay, that's what they use to seperate themselves from me, and uh, and if they use it with me, they use it with their own children, just like the other way, you know, from the other polarity.
But, uh, if people say,"Katie, I don't like you." You know, I immediately understand how could they like me,Look what they believe about me. (What might that be?) You say, well, it would be, you know, if we look at what we think as a human race, you know, as the the immature mind, I would say immature mind meaning the unquestioned mind, the mind that believes what it thinks.
And we look at this, like "I do like her hair" or "She sounds very angry" or "She is angry" or uh, " She doesn't look kind, ,, she's.." uh, like the man in your example where I said, you know, " What are you doing?!” And you uh projected that as someone you wouldn't want to be with, and I projected someone I'd really want to be with. Because he sounds like someone that doesn't censor, is straight up, not to trying to impress anyone, a genuine human being that I could trust, if I ask for a question, Like " Would you help me?" , he may say "No". And I really appreciate that because it shows me where I'm to go next. So, it's like everything is,is, is uh ,as it should be. But it might, if I had a story about the tone of his voice, etc., I'm lost.
我们来看看,比如就像是,“我不喜欢她的发型” 或者 “她的声音听起来好凶” 或者 “她生气了” 或者 “她看起来一点儿也不友善。她。。。” 就像是之前你举得例子中的那个男人,你知道的,就是那个男人说“你在干什么呢?!” 嗯,你认为他是一个你不愿意相处的人,而我认为他是一个我真的非常乐意去相处的人。因为他说话的时候,完全不在乎别人的看法,是一个很直率的人,不想要去逢迎别人,是一个真实的人,值得我信任的人。如果我有什么问题,比如我问他“你能帮助我么?” 他可能会说,“不!” 我真的很感谢他的回答,因为他明确地给我指出了我应该去找别人。所以,那就像是说,每个人每件事都做着该做的事情。嗯,或许,如果我对他说话的口气投射一个故事的话,我就把自己迷失了。
So back to teacher. (Right) I love when people love me.Why wouldn't see if they were of a sound mind.(Right,hehe) . Knowing that they loved me, they would ,they would love the next, and the next ,and the next, you know, in other words, their siblings, their parents, their, uh ,their children. That means they have their heads together. And, then , if they haven't worked through everything, eventually they'll project that onto me and don't no longer love me. And love is as the human condition, the mind understands love. Actually personalities do not love, they want something, and when they dont get it ,they shift , mind shifts.(Right) . It becomes, it becomes frightened for the identity that's taken on.
所以回到刚才的话题,老师。(好的)我深爱着别人爱我的事实。为什么不认为他们爱我是因为有一个明智的头脑呢?(是啊, 哈哈)。我知道如果他们爱着我,他们会,他们会去爱下一个,下一个,再下一个。要知道,换句话说,他们会去爱他们的兄弟姐妹,爱他们的父母,嗯,他们的孩子。那意味着一家人同心协力。嗯,如果他们还没有对所有事情做过功课的话,那么最后,他们也会把那些分离的念头投射在我身上,而不再爱我。爱是人类的一种条件,心智是这么认为爱的。实际上,特定的人格身份并不爱,他们只是想要点儿什么罢了。当他们没有得到那个东西的时候,他们就变了,心智就转变了。(是的)。他们会变得越来越害怕失去他们所佩戴的身份标签。
Anybody can be the teacher, the student, you know ,you can be everything...
We all are, we all are. It's like "where did you learn that?-- Over my brother", "where did you learn that?-- From my 3 year old daughter", "where did you learn that?-- From my aging 95 year old grandmother ." (Right) We're all teachers, (Right), and we're all students.
You know, also with the book, it’s amazing how I,I‘m sure for different people,different things resume (mm-hm), "As my body moves, I hear a step on the hardwood floor, as if it were mine.The step then the next then the next, I experienced everything in slow motion. More Acurately, more acurately, I experienced everything frame by frame by frame, each moment is a frame for me, not necessarily connected with any other."
Without the "I know" mind, everything is just, everything is just is. And there's no reference as a you. You could say, mm, there's no reference for a past. So, it's like now. And in fact, my hand did this, and then it did that. That's a whole new identification,(mm-hm), one not connected to the other, I'm not the doer.
So, you know, just alleviates a lot of stress for me.
You know, that's why I invite people to question their thoughts, whatever you are in any circumstances, can you be happy from here? That's your nature. It's your birthright. And then if a wife and children appear, what an amazing world! (Right) And for now, here you are, it appears. So people's minds are into Friday, imagined Friday, and they miss the experiece of life, and live life as imagination.
Right, Friday is either stressful or not stressful depending on how you think about it?
Yes. Not how you think about it, but Friday doesn't exist, other than in your mind. (Right).So what is happening Friday? Is it something, is it, uh, what you're believing, a happy thing, or, or a dreaded thing. And that's all. (Right, That's it) That's it. So I, I invite everyone to get a future. It's just if you don't love it, to question your thoughts about it.
And you know, I also invite people who want to know the future, people are so interested in the future, well, here it is. This is it.(Frame by frame by frame,right?) Well, in the way I'm speaking, this is it, no frame.(Right). This is it.(Right). and if we're ,we're, we're discussing imagine time or realities,then uh, en, if you go back to the little child that you were, when you were lying in bed maybe, or, or sitting out in the sun under a tree or something, and you had the thought what would you be when you're your father's age, and what would you be when you grow up, what is your life going to look like. Well, you go back to that little boy, and say, "Here I am. This is it. ” Questions answered. (Right, laughing) And the mystery, this is the future.
同时,你也知道,我邀请那些想要知道未来的人们,那些对未来深感兴趣的人们,嗯,未来就在这里,就这么简单。(一帧、一帧、一帧?)嗯,对我来说,这就是未来,没有一帧。(对的)这就是。(是的)。如果我们,我们,我们将此刻讨论的内容放在想象的时间或现实里去看的话,那么,嗯,,如果你回想起自己还是小男孩的时候,或许你那时正躺在床上,或者坐在太阳下面的大树下,或者其他什么地方,那时的你想着当自己长到爸爸那么大的时候会成什么样子呢?你想着当你长大了会是怎样呢?你的生活会变成什么样呢? 好吧,你可以回去和那个小男孩说,“嘿,看看我,就是这样的。” 问题得到了解答。(对啊,哈哈~)秘密是,这就是未来。
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