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本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-4-13 08:20 编辑
Katie:Yeah,so far. So, the third question ," how do you react when you believe the thought that you are worthless.(Oprah: Oh.) And what happens.(Oprah: It makes me feel even more worthless.) Yes, that your stomach could rotate ,(Oprah: Yes.), you know, tears could happen, depression happens,(Oprah: Yes.),and we become unkind and we wonder what is the matter with us. You know ,I don't want to talk that way to people, I don‘t want to hurt people and we're striking out。And then the mind how do we react when we think that thought ? The mind attacks and then it comes back to attacks you,and guilt happens. (Oprah: Correct.), And so it is this swirls,and how do I react when I believed the thought? I compulsively overate,I drank, I smoke,and all these addictions kicked in,all. You know, how do we react when we believe these stressful thoughts.
凯蒂:是的,目前来看是如此。所以,第三个问题是,“当你相信 ‘你是一无是处的’ 这个念头时候,你有何感受与反应?”(奥普拉:哦),“发生了什么?”(奥普拉:那让我感觉自己更一无是处了),是的,你的胃开始翻腾,(奥普拉:是的),你知道,眼泪会流下来,会感到失望的情绪,(奥普拉:是的),我们开始变得很不友善,并且我们还奇怪自己到底是怎么回事。你知道,你可能会想,“我并不想那样和别人说话,我并不想伤害别人”,于是我们奋力挣扎。所以,当我们相信那个念头的时候,我有何感受与反应呢?我会发现念头开始让我攻击别人,然后反过来再攻击我自己,然后会觉得内疚。(奥普拉:对的)。所以,这是一个循环。当我相信那个念头时,我有何感受与行为呢?我强迫自己暴饮暴食、醉酒、吸烟,所有这些瘾头都趁虚而入了。你知道,这个时候,当我相信这个念头的时候,我们就是这样地感受与反应的。
Katie:So then the fourth question, " Who would you be without that thought“ And then just to sit and get still and don't change anything, and I invite all the listeners to ,to just close their eyes and look at their life just the way they live it, at the market ,at home, doing the dishes, whatever it is, going to work, walking , to look back at their life only drop the thought."Who would you be without your story?" Just drop the thought and look at your life. And you see like..(Oprah: Yes , because in many , in almost every situation,if not every situation,It's not what is happening, It's what we tell ourselves, or the thoughts we have about what's happening,that make it whatever it is) Yes.(Oprah: That's right.) And we can have all kinds of thoughts about it. It's do we believe them or not.(Oprah: Right.) That's the key. .(Oprah: Yeah,right.) So then I invite people after those four questions。。。
凯蒂:接下来是第四个问题,“没有这个念头,你是谁?" ,你只是坐在那里,静静地感受,不需要改变任何事物。我邀请所有的听众,只是闭上眼睛,看看他们自己生活本身的样子,或许是在超市、在家里、在洗碗、不管是什么场景,或者是去上班、正在散步等等。只是不带着这个念头去回看一下自己的生活,体会一下“没有这个念头,你是谁?”。只是暂时放下这个念头,去看看你的生活。然后你会看见。。(奥普拉:是的,因为在很多情况下,几乎在每一个情况下,重要的不是正在发生的什么,而是我们告诉了自己发生了什么,或者是我们对于所发生的事情做出的判断,才使事情呈现为我们所看到的样子。)是的。(奥普拉:嗯。)关于这件事,我们会有各种各样的想法。但是关键在于我们是否相信这些想法,(奥普拉:对的),这才是关键。(奥普拉:是的,很对)。接下来,我邀请人们在这四个问题之后。。。
Oprah: And I read from the page one,um, a few basic principles, and um in loving what is, is you say noticing when your thought argues with reality, the only time ,I was underlined, the only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is, when the mind is perfect clear,what is is what we want. And I wrote down," Okay, what if someone is being really really inappropriate? "You are in a situation where something is happening and you don't want it to happen,you even go to the place where it's happening I don't want it to happen. I'm not gonna resist it, I'm going to accept what is. But it still isn't necessarily what you want?
奥普拉:我在你的《一念之转》中的“一些基本原则”一章中读到,在第1页。你说,要注意你的想法正在与事实争辩。“我们唯一会感到痛苦的时刻”,你看我都在这里划了线(奥普拉举起书给凯蒂看),你说,“我们唯一感到痛苦的时刻,就是当我们相信了一个与事实抗争的念头。当头脑足够清醒的时候,事实是什么,就正是我想要的什么。”我在这段话下面备注说,“好吧,但是如果有人真的真的觉得不对劲儿呢?” 比如,当你处于一个情况下,发生了某件事,但是你并不想让它发生?或者你去了一个地方,那里有件事你并不想让它发生?虽然我可以劝自己说,“我不要对抗事实,我要接受这个事实”,但是它依旧并不是你想要的事实啊。
Katie: I would say ,change it..(Oprah: Change it.) with all of your power change it..(Oprah: Okay.) right here right now, because that's the only opportunity you have.(Oprah: Okay.),right here right now. So you change it. And if that doesn't work, then open your mind and see a higher way.(Oprah: Okay.). Because it's got to be.
Oprah: You also say I'm a lover of what is, not because I'm a spiritual person,but because it hurts when I argue with reality.(Katie: Yes.) But I wonder if we ,if we take this approach,you say, when we stop opposing reality, action becomes simple,fluid, and fearless. (Katie: Yeah.) I'm thinking though, if we don't oppose reality, when reality is something that we are oppose to,we don't oppose it. How do you ever get anything done?
奥普拉:你在书中也说,“我是事实的爱人,并不是因为我是个灵修人士,而是因为每当我与事实抗辩的时候,我总是受伤。” (凯蒂:是的。)但是,我很好奇,如果我们,如果我们也采取你这个方法,就像你说的那样,停止与事实抗辩,行动就会变得简单、流畅和无畏。(凯蒂:是的。)虽然你这么说,但是我想如果我们不与事实抗辩的话,如果事实就是我要抗辩的,而我们却不去抗辩的时候。。那么你还怎么做事儿呢?
Katie: Reality is the story of the past. (Oprah:Okay, how so?) And we can change the past now. Okay, so reality is so,so um, the discussion we've just had, right now, is the past. (Oprah:It's over, gone.) And it's reality.(Oprah:Yeah.) So if something happened between us that we want it to shift, we have the power to shift it now.(Oprah:Right,now). Yes. And I've come to see that defense is the first act of war. So if I , if I shift, if I attempt to shift things..(Oprah: Denfense is the first active of war. So the moment you start to defend , you put yourself in the position of creating war.) And who did it? I did,the moment I defended. So we can discuss any shift or I can discuss any shift , like I can give you my experience, I can give you my education, my educated view,if one happens to be there on the topic. And that's all I've got. (Oprah:mm- hum) That's what I've got, my wisdom, my experience.
Oprah: Um,is that to say then nothing is worthy of dense? Lots of things that worthy defending.
Katie: Defense is war.and I say all war belongs on paper.That's where it belongs. So we can look at it and question those thoughts we're believing.
Oprah:Okay, I got it. I just got the shift, because I was thinking when you said that. I'm working on this whole program to really shift the way our country looks at child abuse, and I was thinking I'm defending the children ,I'm defending the children, and even as you said that. I realize I'm really not trying to defend the children, I'm trying to protect them, which is different .
Katie: Yes, and you're educating us,(Oprah: shift,shift). And you're educating them.
(果冻补充: 这是一段非常深刻的对话,根据个人理解,我刻意丰富了英文的语意。)
Oprah:And that if I try to defend them that I will end up being the a part of the war,(Katie: of the problem), of the problem.(Katie: Yes).Yeah, I can't have a war against anything.(Katie:Yes) Yeah.
Katie: That's how wars begin.(Oprah: Yeah, Okay). You know, I'm going to defend my point of view. You got it.
凯蒂:这就是人类为什么会发动战争的原因。(奥普拉:是的)。你知道,战争双方只是相信了 “我想要防卫我的观点” 的这个念头而已。嗯,你真的明白了。
Oprah: I got it, I got it. So I want to actually do the work with you.But the other thing that I love that you present early on in "loving what is",is about the ,the three businesses you said ,there's your business,there's everybodu else's business,and there's God's business.(Katie: Yeah) .And I just want to share that with you ,the listener out there, because if you just got that,if you just got that, from today's coversation,you could really really tend to do your business and leave other people's business alone.
Katie: So powerful. Can you imagine if we all took care of our business.
Oprah: You just did your business! This, this is so interesting because there was something going on recently. And my girl friend Gail said you need call up this person and you need to talk to them, dadada. And I got pulled into it, and I did ,and I'm on the phone , and I'm telling this person what they should be doing.And just as I hung up the phone, I thought this is gonna come back to me,and it's not gonna be good, and it's not gonna be good because I now I'm in somebody else's business. I should stay in my own business intended, because that's the only business I have any control over. (Katie: That's right.) So, there's your business, everybody else's business and God's business.
Katie: Yes.And if anyone feels lonely ,separate, then ask yourself mentally whose business are you in. And it can just bring you right back to where you really are, and that's where the change can take place.
Oprah: You say, staying in your own business. I can find only three kinds of business in the universe, mine,yours and God's. When I'm worried about earthquakes, floods, war, when I will die, I'm in God's business. Do I know what's right for me? That is my only business. Let me work with that before I try to solve your problems for you.
Katie: And isn't that a full-time job?
Oprah:That's a full-time job. Just to stay in your own business! All right. That's our message for today, stay in your own business, and out of other people's business. (Katie: Mentally.). Mentally? (Katie: Yeah.) Loving what is, Byron Katie, come back,Would you? (Katie: I'd love to.) I'm gonna put the work to work, with me and with you. Uh, We are listening, We are listening to my soul serious on Oprah and Friends, Thanks for Joining us. Facinating! The work ,and Byron Katie.
【第一部分完结】果冻-Angela , 2018-4-4 |