





Rank: 4

发表于 2018-11-10 23:12:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-11-10 23:15 编辑





What does this mean? " I  often say that if I had a prayer, it would be this,'God, Spare me from the desire for love, approval or appreaciation.' "

这是什么意思?“ 我常常说如果我想要去祈祷的话,那可能会是,“上帝啊,请免除所有我对爱、支持和赞许的渴求。”


So, seeking love, approval and appreciation is like living,, it's living as a slave. A person would immediately, seeking love approval appreciationg, would immediately project what they need to say, to do, how they need to move, what they need to, to ,you know, all of that, to win your approval,(Right),and so you know,, they create a facade, and you know, whatever they think, you would approve of, and then when you say, you care about that person, they never believe you, because the person you caring about doesn't exist, and they know it.


With a facade, the way I used to live, people liked me or they didn't, without a facade, people liked me or they didn't. So I'm free, and people are left with what they believe about me, and it's all good.



So, what's changed is you.(Nodding) But that's all there is to you. (Nodding). And when you were going for approval, what you thought people thought mattered .



Oh, my goodness, that's why I say, it's slavery, you know, who enslaves us? we do.It's like what will he,, what will she,, what will they think of me if I wear this, if I say that, if I do ... So everything's always censored, so we can be that facade that we think they'll approve us.( Right)


So, uh, you know, people who question their mind, begin to understand there's nothing we can do to manipulate or control another person's mind. That it's hard and more,,, it's difficult enough, and hard enough to , to know our own.(Right) That's enough. As you continue to question your mind, you just come to love you the way you are, and just find it fascinating that other people don't, and you understand why they wouldn't, because they are believing their thoughts about you.(Right).

所以,嗯, 你知道,当人们质询他们的心念的时候,他们就会开始理解,我们根本不可能去操纵或控制另一个人的想法。那很难而且,,,话说回来,,去了解我们自己的想法就已经足够困难和艰难了,去认识我们自己就够难的了,更别说别人了,(是的),了解自己就已经足够了。当你持续地去质询自己的念头时,你只会越来越爱你原本的样子,并且会蛮兴奋的发现其他人竟然不这么想。同时,你能够理解为什么他们不这么想,因为他们相信了自己那些关于你的想法。(是的)

And I say, if I had a prayer, because uh I would pray in a , in a heartbeat if if there was something I wanted, but when you have everything, when everything is just the way it's suppose to be perfect, perfect, and just for you, what would you change? Nothing.



Is prayer, is prayer about change?



Prayer is,uh, is , it's about ,uh, it's attemp to dictate through a plea another reality.

祈祷,嗯,祈祷是关于,,,嗯, 它是通过请求想要去主宰另一个现实的一种企图。


You know, I used to pray,uh, you know, I was in ,you know, Jewsih school, high school, and we used to pray.  I just also remember, I just did it to do it, because everybody was doing it, and we were expect to do it. And we were also told that if you did it,, because it's the law that in itself was enough, and then later the, maybe one day the intentionality would come?  And I just never kind of got it...



Well, is that true?  That could be why you're so open to um, just something else. Everything counts. And I hear you. (Right) and, and, (It could be..) If I were, if I were um, in a box with no way out, and frientened, and I might scream for God's help.(Oh, absolutely.) So, um, that's a prayer. So I think and also prayers that people do daily, I think it's a wonderful thing, because they're, they're coming out of what's good, and what's beautiful.So that is truer to our nature,(mm-hm), truer to their nature, and they feel better for it.(Right, I can totally..) because they like themselves when they're thinking of others and themselves,and good(Right). So, it's like of an escape from the ,um ,the mind that would see what's wrong with everything including onself.(Right).They're kinder thoughts. (Right).Thoughts for others. thoughts for yourself.



Well. what's wrong with that?



Nothing. I'm for it.(Right,right.)  And if people question their stressful thoughts, uh, that's all they're left  with. So you , I call this unceasing prayer. This, this, this, what's left, unceasing prayer, unceasing meditation. But the prayer answered. So it's living as the answered.



So, if ,if there's prayer, great. and if there's not prayer, fine?



Well. It doesn't mean anything, other than uh, many people feel better when they do. (Right.) There, it's like making ourselves feel better.it's like comforting ourselves.(Yeah). And, and, and I might have the thought, um,  for example, uh," God help me." Well, I'm a very impatient person, so I would turn around, say " Katie, help yourself.". (Right, hahaha) And there's another turnaround," Katie, help God." And that's a beautiful thing. And if God were Loving what it would be everything, and I would include me, and so my arms are always open.

嗯,那不意味着什么,只不过是,嗯,当很多人祈祷的时候他们感觉更好而已。(哦,是的)。那,嗯,那就像是让我们自己更好受一点,就像是让我们自己舒服一些。(哦,这样啊。)嗯,而且,而且,而且我或许会有这样的念头,例如,“上帝啊,帮帮我。” 嗯,我是一个非常没有耐心的人,所以我会反转成,说,“凯蒂,帮帮你自己。”(对的,呵呵)。还有另一个反转,“凯蒂,帮帮上帝。” 那样做是一件美好的事情。而且,如果上帝是指去热爱它可以成为任何事,我会把自己也算进是上帝的一部分,所以我的手臂永远是张开的。


Open. Because there's um,  you know, just talking about prayer in the book when Roxanne, I was giving her babies and  didn't look too good. and her in-laws grabbed your hand and said,"Will you pray with us? " And so you did.

开放的。因为,嗯,你知道,刚刚我们谈论的祷告,你的书中说罗克珊在生孩子的时候,看起来不太顺利。她的婆婆抓住你的手说,“你愿意和我们一起祈祷么?” 所以,你也祈祷了。


I was, I was just very happy to. (Right..)  I was just very happy to listen to them, and I'm always open to something that I want. I just don't, I can't identify it. Every time I identify it, I already have it.



En, what..and when when when Roxanne was going through that, or you you heard her screaming.. I think you heard her screaming?



Oh, yeah. Yeah. It was amazing. There was no staff there for it, there was, it was amazing, it was, I mean , they were looking for the janitor, it was just, and then when the , the door did open, there was so much blood in that room. And, uh, there was no way to know if.. You know, one person in there doing surgey with no assistance. And the assistance they did have was, wasn't a doctor, and anyway you know, the mind can do a lot of things, but well you know, there's no mistake, then it's just all good. You just watch, you just watch, and you know. It's like...(That's what you did ,right?) Yes. And it's like being a hawk here. You know that the, the awake mind, is, you know, the awake untroubled mind is,, It's just, it's just like a ,it's just like this(moving her head from left to right),it's just like a beam, and it's just looking for , um, basically " how can I help." because it's always okay.it's always untroubled, it's always ready to spring into help. That's its nature. (Right) And there's nothing to stop it, because there's no fear.

哦,当然,是的,我听见了。那非常棒。那里没有护工,嗯,那很棒。嗯, 我的意思是,他们在找看门的人,嗯,那只是,当时手术室的门是敞开的,屋子里到处都是血。。嗯,无法知道里面到底是怎么回事。。。你知道,只有一个正式的医生在手术室,没有专业护士。而在那里的助手,也不是医生。不管怎么说,你知道,心念可以就此延伸出很多想法。。嗯,但是你知道,宇宙没有错误,一切都是良善的。你只是观察,你只是观察,你知道,那就像是(那就是你当时做的事情,对么?)是的。那就像是这儿有一只老鹰,你知道,那个清醒的心智,那个没有烦恼的心智,,,它就像是这样,就像这样(凯蒂的头从左到右,从右到左转来转去,观察着情况)。那就像是一束光,只是在寻找,嗯,简单来说,就是 ”我能做些什么来帮忙?“ 因为清醒的头脑永远是没有问题的,它永远是没有忧虑的,它总是时刻准备着去全心的付出服务。那是它的本性。(是的)。没有任何事情能够阻止它,因为没有恐惧。


Good, you know, that, I think, it strikes me, it's really an amazing story. and then what I also see is that being that way in that situation,, I mean, it seems to me to be the most helpful, because it's the way it is, I mean , what's happening. And I, you know, I didn't go through that, so I'm speaking as like something I'm seeing new from from something I didn't go through.(mm-hm) So, but when I look, I see well, that would be the way to be.



Well, it, it's uh, the way that everyone wants to be. Just alert to what is in the moment, in a position to, to serve,(Right) , and awake to what to serve. You know, looking for something, you're waiting.And when it's there, Oh, Got It!(Right) It's so obvious, it's reality.(Right) Difference between reality and imagination.



And everything turns out okay, I just ...



Yeah, well,(But you don't know that..) Yes..(You only know that now.)Yes.you know, yes you do.(You do?) Yes, the baby lives, good.The baby doesn't live, good. There's nothing outside of that.(Right).You know, there is no duality.There's no positive and negative. It's all positive and the mind would give you every reason to believe otherwise, and then the body experiences that as stress.


~ 待续~

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Rank: 2

发表于 2021-3-23 17:20:48 |只看该作者
种籽萌芽尚未开叶或者未成木质极速飞艇 前的幼苗最宜作砧木。在砧木离6~7cm处平剪,在平坦的砧桩中间往下直切一刀约1cm深成“V”形;获取与砧桩直径相当而有两三个芽的枝梢作接穗,长约8~10cm,将叶片剪去3/4,把接穗下端扁削成楔形,插入砧桩切缝处,用薄膜带扎紧。事后用透明塑料袋将整棵秧苗套住以防接穗水分被蒸发出去,放在阴凉之处大约两三星期后,如接穗的叶片不会脱落者即告成功。只适宜少幸运飞艇量的繁殖,种在塑胶袋内的秧苗约六、七个月大就可供作砧木,有关接穗的枝梢大小与砧术相等,最理想的是直立的营养技用的枝梢大约15cm长,直径如筷子般大小,要有数片叶子及芽体,每片需剪去三分之二,以防止水分蒸发。枝梢向下的一端斜削或从下而上叉剪1厘米,涂上一层荷尔蒙生根剂,插入潮湿的沙杯中,置于光照弱的温室里,浇水,经七、八个星期后如果叶片不会脱落,幼根生长,便可移植于塑胶袋内砧木大小均可,只要它已长成木质,皮层易于剥开,插梢处高低自选,切口过程与芽接相似。选取长10cm尚未开叶,未成术质的壮嫩枝梢作接穗,接穗斜削长度比砧木切口稍为短些,插入砧木切口,用塑胶带绑住,再以透明塑胶纸包紧,置于阴凉处。两星期后剪开胶纸,但胶带切勿解歼,直到枝梢长成为止进行空中压条没有季节性,选铅笔大一点的枝条,从尾端算起在太约40cm处环剥长约3cm,剥皮后需用刀背削去切口处的形成层,否则切口皮层会复元而不 生根。在切口处包上一团潮湿的泥土,大小如鸭蛋般。用塑料纸包捆三层,两头绑紧,大约经过三个月新根生长后便可剪离母体。将塑胶纸割开,植于黑色的果苗塑料袋,置于阴凉处,大约一两个月后便可移植。由于成活率低,繁殖榴莲时很少采用

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