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ear, Morining. :)
Why do you emphasize writing down the questions as oppose to just doing them in your head?
Well, you mean the concepts that woking with?(Yeah.Right) . I ask people to write , to identify their stressful thoughts(Right) and put it on paper, and that way the mind is stopped. Stressful concept you're believing are stopped, they're there. And your mind can go on and say "I really didn't mean that, I meant something else. It doesn't matter what it did, what it thinks. There it is! So, undeniably.You know, who thought it? Who wrote it? Oh, that was you, that's it, you know it. And no matter what your mind does with it, there it is. It can deny it , but there it is. So then you just . It's still, it stopped.
People want to stop their mind for centuries and centuries and centuries and centuries, and they never new how.So there it is, stopped, mind on paper, stopped. You know,bring it out of mind into the physical world that mind imagines that exists, that exsits. Put it on paper and question that, you've seen the four questions and turn around, and no matter what happens with other concepts, just notice, write them somewhere else and come back to that one. Do all four questions and turnaround. And no turnarounds without the questions first, because the questions, uh ,the turnarounds become a bitch word and an ineffective, without the four questions.(Right) It's not, that's not helpful. But eventually the work doesn't work. Why? because you're not answering the questions, you're taking a short cut, which again, it's okay. It's just that if it stops working for you, it's because you have stopped working it.(Right)
几个世纪以来,人们一直想要让念头停止下来,但是人们却不知道该怎么做。所以,写下来,停止了,念头写在纸面上,停止了。你知道的,将念头从头脑中提取出来,落实在头脑所认知的客观世界的纸面上,头脑所以为的真实世界中。写在纸上,用四个问题和反转来质询它们。在功课的过程中,不过冒出什么其他的念头,只是观察它们就好了,并把这些念头也写在其他的纸上,然后再回到刚才的念头上。要把所有的四个问题和反转都全部做完才行。不可以跳过四个问题,直接去反转。因为那四个问题,嗯,如果没有先质询四个问题,那么反转就会变成是一种挖苦的话,也没有效果。(是的)那样做是没有帮助的。。而且最终功课也不起效果。为什么?因为你没有回答那四个问题, 因为你抄近路了。当然,这样做也是可以的。只不过,如果功课对你没有发挥作用,那只可能是因为你停止了去做它。(是的)
So, uh, the four questions and the turnaround, and you find three examples for the turnaround. So the mind has an opportunity to see how the opposites, or if the opposites are as true or truer. They always are.. They always are to the opne mind. And uh, and open mind, open heart. Closed mind ,closed heart. People who harm themselves and other human beings have closed minds. It's not their fault, they're simply believing their thoughts.
When I go into penitentiaries(监狱), hardcore prisons, work with the lifersz(无期徒刑犯), uh, you know, it's simple to see why they're in there,when I understand what they were believing when it happened. And I was sharing with them with an , uh ,an interviewer, uh from Israel today, earlier this morning, uh ,that An American in an Israeli prison for murdering his girlfriend, sentenced for life.And he sent me a thank-you note, there are some people there that take the work into prisons, and all over the place, Muslims, Jews, they're just doing the it in Isarel.It's, it's wonderful to see what they're doing with the work there.(Um-hm).
But he was thanking me for the peace that he is , that he has found.He murdered his girlfriend because she didn't think he was enough, she didn't think he was worthy, and on and on and on. And he murdered her. And um he became so angry. So he was doing the work in prison with my friend Arry and he found that his girlfriend, yet no proof she ever believed that. She never said that to him, She never gave him cause that she believed it. He was simply believing it about himself, and projecting it onto her.
So when we believe just a simple thought, like she doesn't think I'm worthy, or she doesn't think I'm enough. A simple thought like that, when you believe it, and the mind gives you all the proof...You know, it's not a little thing.
所谓,当我们哪怕只是相信了一个简单的念头,比如 “她认为我不配”,或者“她认为我不够好”等等。像这样一个简单的念头,当你相信它的时候,念头会给你提供所有的证据,,,,,然后,你知道,这并不是一件小事。
When a person writes down, they identify and write their thoughts on paper, especially people who are depressed or angry, you know, if they would just question their thoughts, oh my goodness, they, their identities would shift so quickly that they wouldn't have to do prison, they don't have to do that kind of time.(Right) And those of us that are not in prison, are we locked in to the prison of our minds? And you know, people don't like to be locked up in prison, because what they're locked up with, is their thoughts, and other than that, prison's great. (What? I've just gonna say..) If you put a Buddhist monk in there, and lock him in, and he says" thank you".(Right.)
And I walked through prisons , there's ah, in Clinton, there is a one of the old old old places, uh, they call Broadway, because it's a full of, that sometimes they, they have to say just pack them in. I mean they don't even have cells and they're just all over the floor, on mattresses, it's , it's really quite something that . So I'm in there and I hear, you know, they lock someone up, you hear the door slam, and you look up, and it's just layers of , you know, just tiers of rows, of cells.. And you hear one shut, I heard one shut, way up above to the ride, and he started screaming, and then another one goes off, another one goes off..
And what's happening is they're believing their thoughts. That is the ONLY reason the person would even scream. I mean, again, look what they're locked up with,and they're, if they're,you know, there's nothing available to them to shift the mind, like with a cigarette or shopping credit card, sex, there's nothing.They're just stuck with it, and nothing to do with it.(No credit cards.) And there they are, you know, the thought " I need to get out of here", that is torture when you can't get out and you believe it. "I can't live in here" this will kill me, that is torrure, when there's no way out and you believe it. You believe , uh ,what you're thinking.
而当时所发生的事情,只不过是他们相信了自己的想法而已。那就是在当时那个人会尖叫的唯一原因。还是那句话,我的意思是,看看他们被和什么锁在一起了。他们,嗯,如果他们,要知道,在监狱里没有什么可以让他们来转变念头,比如香烟、购物信用卡或者性等,什么都没有。他们只能是与自己的念头锁在一起,毫无办法。(哦,没有信用卡。。)他们,你知道,那个念头“我要离开这里” 是一种折磨,当你无法离开而你却相信了自己要离开的时候,那就是一种折磨。当你出不去的时候,相信了“我不能待在这里”的这个念头会杀了我,那真的是一种折磨。你相信了你所想的念头。
So now, with the work in prisons, uh, these prisoners are becoming freer than people on the outside of prison, and I love that. Because it's true rehabilitation, when we're ,when we don't believe our stressful thoughts.The thoughts would harm ourselves and other human being. Those are the stress, uh ,stressful ones, or the thoughts that project others,,, you know, our own suffering because he/she, etc...
所以现在,能够在监狱里做功课,这些犯人变得越来越自由,比在监狱外面的人还要自由。我非常欣慰。因为那才是真正的重新做人。当我们不再相信那些有压力的想法时,不再相信那些会伤害我们自己以及别人的想法,那些充满压力的念头,或者投射到其他人身上的,你知道,比如“我的痛苦都是因为他/她,,,” 等等这些念头。