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Rank: 4

发表于 2018-10-9 13:32:09 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-10-9 13:36 编辑




Now, the difference between joy and pleasure is?



Pleasure is the story of a future, and so it can never be repeated. We experience someting mind thinks that like, it's how it stays identified, and then it tries over and over and over to have the same experience again, and it's all just , an illusion. you know, trying to repeat what followed those never happened, because mind builds things up. So it's um, you know. pleasure , it's ,, all pleasure is pain.

感官的愉悦是一个关于未来的故事(果冻补充:错失了当下。),所以它永远无法复制出来。我体验到一些心念认为它所喜欢的东西。这就是心念之所以能够保持自己身份认定的方式。心念一再地尝试、尝试,想要去体验与那同样的感觉。可是那种“愉悦感” 只是,只是一种幻像。要知道,想要去重现那些从未发生过的事情(果冻补充:愉悦感是一种念头的投射,与事情本身无关。),因为所有的感觉都是念头所建立出来的(过去所有的事情,都是念头的幻像。where is your prove?)。所以,嗯,感官愉悦,所有的感官愉悦都是痛苦。


Excuse me, all the..



Simply because it is projected. You just can't have the same experience twice.

简单来说,因为”愉悦感“ 是被心念投射出来的一个故事而已。你无法对同一件事情体验两次。





So, pleasure is pain.



Simply because it's projected. you can't ,it can not repeat the same thing twice. when it comes to pleasure, the emotional. That's why for drug addicts, the drug stops working, or it just doesn't work as well, and then they just end up addicted without the pleasure and just living a life of hell. And the same for compulsive overeaters or any addictions.


(果冻补充:换句话说,你在头脑中将得到某些东西、或者做了某件事情之后的身体或心理上的某种感受,那种无名的东西,定义为“愉悦”。而这只是一个心念编造的故事而已。对于一个感受,区分了好与坏,愉悦与难受,也就是凯蒂所说的naming it . 所以你对事物的二元性认知,造出了这个故事。凯蒂常说去质疑有压力的念头。常人会从愤怒、悲伤、失望、沮丧入手,但其实同样的因某事某物的愉悦、快乐、兴奋、满足等等,一样也只是你的故事而已。有了二元的分别,人就会不自觉地去执取,趋利避害,想要获得愉悦感,也是对当下的一种细微的否定。

同时,依附于上“愉悦感” 的画面出现了,过去、未来、过去、未来一系列画面。

第二层级的故事是,你认定了 “因为A所以B。即,因为做了某事,所以有了愉悦感。" 的这个故事。所以你为了追求B,不断去重复A行为,造成对A行为的上瘾。)




And addictions are nothing more than ,than ,um, sth that we resort to when we don't know how to deal with our thoughts,and we want mind to stop or change. In other words, how do you react when you believe that thought.(Right) Or the mind when we look at, how the mind reacts, there're physical feelings, that's a reaction, there're images that happened, that's a reaction, and then addictions begin to happen, that is a reaction. And then it's cycle, that goes over and over and over, until the mind finds resolution. And then the addictions shift。


so and they don't replace. like, like if we just do it, and we still have the same mindset, but if we just, and in other words, by do it. I mean, like we just don't do the addiction, then it switches to something else,because we're still living out of the same ,um we're still believing the same thoughts.






So, I'm going to give you sth that I can relate to, like accumulating money. I mean. I see people and me, you know, you have one appartment, and it's not good. So you get a bigger apartment,and then you know, you have a 20,000 square-foot in Hamptons, and then you have five cars,but that't not it,it's seven cars. And you know, it's just like,,,is that , would that be ...?

所以,我将会举一些相关的例子,类似积累财务。我的意思是,我看见人们和我自己,你知道。你有一个房子,但是它不够好,所以你换了一个大房子;然后呢,你在汉普顿买了一个2万平米的大别墅;然后呢,你买了5辆车,但是还不够,,你买了7辆车。。。你知道,那就像是,你说的是这个意思么?(“我想要那种愉悦感“ ,“获得A物会产生愉悦感”的念头还在,上瘾的对象可以是从房子,转换到车子等等)


Yeah. It's , it's trying to find satisfaction.(But it looks good.) It looks good. And I'm not hearing a lot of satisfaction in the scenario you're giving me.(Right, there isn't.) So,um, when people do the work, question their thoughts, the thoughts that they're believing, their stressful thoughts, I really like to emphasize, then eventually they love what they have.



Right. That's now , I get as a joy, cuz it's a matter of ..(You're satisfied  all the time.) It's walking into the apartment that we have, and you know, the shoes are on the floor, there're five kids. And you're like," Okay" you know, but it's , it's like ,and I don't know why,(It's loving what you have)I know, but I can't explain why one day to me that's like an experiece of joy, and one day it's annoying.



Well, because you're believing your thoughts about what happened before you came home, or believing your thoughts about what you want, and don't have. So ,that's a story of the future, projected as a past experience, or from a past experience.



So then I'll walk in the door. (And everything's your enemy.) Right.(You're looking for what's wrong.)Right.(The thing is) There's lots of ways to find wrong, you know,if you're looking.



Well. that's the mind's job.Its,its job is to , is to just like constantly look around and see, this is wrong, this is wrong.  this is wrong,and look to itself for the body, its identifying with,  this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong. it's too old, it's too fat, it's too young, it's too short, it's too tall.it's too ,, it's unhealthy, it's a... you know, it's... so mind's job is to just" this is wrong,this is wrong,this is wrong."


So, um, when we begin to question those thoughts, then ,when mind begins to question itself, in other words, work itself. do the work with itself, then it's very exciting. even , and it's an unending event, it's a very creative event. And it begins to love.. you know, when the mind loves what it thinks, it loves it sees. Because everything it sees is its projected out of itself.



Now, when the mind loves what it sees, do I.. and I think that I think I might have the answer  to this, but..(You're liking yourself.) Right. But I'm .. you know, I'm doing that or I can do that. Right?



Yeah, you're in what um, people would refer to as a good mood. A good mood is when we're in a state where we're liking what we think.(Right.)  And when we're liking what we think, we like what we see.



So ,moody is just that? in other words, just that is being...it's liking your thoughts.



Yes.So depression is nothing more than someone believing their stressful thoughts. That's it.



" Babies aren't born to the world of illusion untill they attach words to things. when you're clear. It's great fun to observe that.I love being with my grandbabies, I love hearing what I teach them, that's a tree, that's a sky, I love you ,you're grandma's precious angel. you're the most beautiful baby in the world. All these lies,and I'm having a wonderful time telling them. if I'm creating problem for my grandchildren,they can question their stressful thoughts when they grow up. I am joy,I'm not going to censor any of it."


So I'm thinking , you know, you know it's okay with me if I go and tell, "you know, guys, you have the best dad."  I am the best dad, really? Are you sure?   I'm sure. and I don't have to, you know, that's freedom for me. do you know?

所以,我想,你知道,你知道这点对我很适合,如果我去和孩子们说,”你们知道么?小家伙们,你们 拥有最棒的爸爸。” 我是最棒的爸爸么?我确定么?是的,我确定。我没必要去质询这个念头,,,你知道,那是我的自由,你明白么?


Well, you believe it also, it's just spill out of you ,and and from what I can see, it's , you know, you are(the best dad), you know, from head to toe. and so in love with your children.and so fair. and so wonderful. you can stay in and it'll , and it will transfer through to them. you know. It's true.(right) in all of your opnion.(Right)And I feel that way about me too. You know, when I look at my grandchildren, like, " oh, my goodness." And you know, all of us grandparents and parents, you know,  we just ,we look at our children, and the children in our lives, and we're just , we're in love, and anything we can say about that just feels true.

是的,你也深信着它。它只是从你的嘴里蹦出来而已。就我的观察来看,你是,要知道,你就是最棒的爸爸。要知道,从头到脚都是,如此爱着你的孩子们,如此公平,如此神奇。你可以站在那个位置上,深信着,它将会从你这里传递给你的孩子们。要知道,你真心认为它是真的。(对的)。我对我自己也是这么认为的。要知道,当我看着我的孩子们,那就像是”哦,天。“ 那些我生命中的孩子们,我们是如此深爱着,我所说的每一句话感觉起来都如此真实。

So, that's why I say those thoughts ,and why would we question them? Let's keep them.It's when we say them ,and they're not true us.(Right) It doesn't transfer. To work with the stressful thoughts, is a way to experience honestly and genuinely all the affection and love that we feel and share with each other. When we're believing the stressful thoughts, it's um, you know, what we believing in those moments surfaces , and it frightens our children and it frightens us. And there's the bad mood. (Right)


Because you know, anything, any danger for children doesn‘t have to be expressed through fear and anger, and anger is a mask for fear. It does. They don't have t be taught that way, of couse ,they do have to be taught that way, as long as the parent believes their stressful thoughts.(mm-hm)But it can be communicated so differently when the parent is , is sane.



“The differencce between pleasure and joy? Ohh.. the distance is from here to the moon! From here to another galaxy! Pleasure is an attempt to fill yourself. Joy is what you are." __摘自Byron Katie《Question Your Thinking, Change the World》


果冻补充:凯蒂曾经 说过,Joy is happy for no reason. for no reason to reason.(快乐是你无理由的快乐,也没有需要理由的理由。)

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