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果冻叨叨:《金刚经》中的 “过去心不可得,现在心不可得,未来心不可得”。凯蒂在这里的回答可以非常透彻地解释上面这段经文,分享~
So,one of the triplets Sam, he likes dressed-up. He likes, he just likes putting on a little wedding gown. And you know, when you answer the door, and there he is. He's you ask him, he says“ I'm princess Sammy."(mm-hm) Before this, you know, it sounds great, you know. Before this, it's like,"Sam! you're a boy and boys don't wear wedding gowns." Right? Perfectly normal response. One that is agreed upon by many. But you know, when you ask the question, is it true? (It's not.)It's not. And you know what? Sam can wear a wedding gown. As a matter of fact, he is wearing a wedding gown. So , that's true.
That's true. It's very confusing for a child when you say boys wear wedding gowns, and they look down and they're wearing one. (Right.)It's like , you know, Okay, so, and It's not, you know they don't think it out consciously like this. They don't think, well my father is absolutely crazy,yes we do. They just think, wow,I'm really confused here. And then it gets scary, and they begin to doubt everything because if you don't know,they begin to doubt themselves and I think it's pretty scary for little kids.(Right.)
And we are all little kids until we catch up with reality.
So, you know ,Sam's wearing wedding gowns and great.Cuz that's what he likes. And Jacob says wedding gowns are for girls,(And that's his.)and that's Jacob's and he likes being a pirate.(mm-hm) And then you know, sometimes I'll intervene and say, you know, Jacob will say to Sam, "Sam, wedding gowns are for girls." And I'll say," Jacob,no,That's not true. that wedding gowns are for . no ,but it's true for you, but not for Sam." So, you know, and Jacob kind of goes" okay,Sam can wear wedding gown" you know. So , it's really wild. So that's that's the possibility of this. And it's a small example. But you know, it's a huge example.
But you know, it's only the parent's fear and it's not as though Sam isn't going to look around and begin to notice for himself, the female gender wear the dresses and , and the other gender doesn't.He'll begin to notice and make his own choices.(Right) And ,and who knows. You know, he may,he maybe just so free that he just lives an honest life.(Right) And determined for himself if that's counterproductive or productive. They're so smart. They're so smart.
Very free for the parent, apparent me.So, that's the four questions at work. Maybe in something that seems small ,but it's not small. Because even when you speak about it like I didn't even get the part that, you know, you're, you're communicating something to whom when he said ,when you say "he shouldn't",it's, it's kind of.
And it's happening. (Right) That's the difference. It's, It's um, that's how we give them a past and a future too. You know, other than that, they're really living in the moment.(That's brilliant.)
What is joy for you?
Joy for me , is the absence of suffering. And in that it's , it's very exciting ,like. I like to say that peace is underrated. There's nothing more exciting than peace. And, um, that's joy. And the excitement of living in the moment,in the excitement of no past or future.
And I like to say that I would get a future if I needed one. I just see no need or cause to DEVELOP a future.I don't see the neccessity of it at all.
And also I couldn't any more than anyone can, because we can't know what it is , because it doesn't exist. But if we haven't questioned our past , then we have all of this stuff we believe, and what mind does with it is it projects time, mind assumes time and misses where it's at. So It's very very lost. (Mind is lost.) as identified as a body, because it's projecting a past and future that doesn't exist.
Even Now, right now , is a projection. You know ,it's a concept. By the time we notice Now, it's gone. So what does exist? you know, if you really get,, if you get very very still, and begin to notice your thoughts, you'll see that they're all about what has been or what you're anticipating.(Right) It's all about anticipation or remembering.(Right) And , So, what is in the center? If every thought is about remembering or anticipating, what is in the center? and what is there that is real?
So as you continue to use these questions, you begin to wake up to, um, to an amazing world full of joy, because you don't know what anything is. You don't know what you are. (Right.) And you just simply get to watch, the way you were describing, becoming um in touch with the end.(Right). You know, the children.
~~ 待续 ~~