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发表于 2018-9-17 17:01:49
本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-9-19 09:19 编辑
果冻叨叨:这段对话谈到了死亡的问题。这部分内容与《心经》中的 “色即是空,空即是色,色不异空,空不异色;受想行识,亦复如是”相通。:)
" I have a friend who after doing inquiry sincerely for a number of years, came to understand that the world is a reflection of mind. She was married to a man who was the love of her life, and one day while they were sitting on their couch, he had a heart attack and died in her arms. After the first shock of the tears, she began looking for grief and there is was none. For weeks she kept looking for grief because her friends told her that the grief was a necessary part of the healing process, and all she felt was a completeness that, there was nothing of him that she'd had while he was physically with her ,that she didn't have now.
She told me that every time a sad thought about him appeared, she would immediately ask ‘ Is it true?', and see the turnaround which washed away the sadness and replaced it with what was true.' He was my best friend, I have no one to talk to.' became ' I am my best best friend, I have me to talk to now. 'I'll miss his wisdom' became 'I don't miss his wisdom.' there was no way she could miss it, because she was that wisdom. Everything she thought she had in him, she could find in herself, there was no difference. And because he turned out to be her, he couldn't die.Without the story of life and death, she said there was just love,he was always with her."
她告诉我,每次当一个关于他的悲伤的念头显现的时候,她马上就会提问:“这是真的么?”,然后看到那些反转的念头将这个念头中的悲伤冲刷掉,并展现给她真正的真实。“他是我最亲爱的朋友,我没有人可以说话了。”变为“我是我最亲爱的朋友,我可以和我自己说话。” “我错失了他的智慧。”变为“我没有错失他的智慧。” 她根本不可能错失他的智慧,因为她就是那个智慧本身。每一件她认为是来自于他身上的某件事,她都能够在自身发现,这两者根本没有区别。因为他其实就是她,他不可能死。如果没有关于生和死的故事,她说剩下的只是爱,他永远都和她在一起。
So, I'm like reading this and going. "Forget it, Laura! listen to this".and you know, I'm saying. "You, you wouldn't feel that way" and she says, " you know, I can really get that as possible.(Yeah) And I , and I find myself, and I upset myself with that.”
所以,我喜欢读这一段文字,你知道我对劳拉说,“嘿,别想了,劳拉!听听这段话。你,你不要再那么悲伤了。” 她回答说,“你知道,我真的能够明白这段话所说的那个意思。”(是的)“但是,我,我还是一想起那件事就难过。”
Yeah, It's like we think ,um, if you don't,,, if you don't , if we don't suffer over you , that , that we don't love you. (Right, what's up with that.) Well, suffering teaches sufffering. and it's the opposite of what we want for ourselves and other people, which is to live a happy balanced life.And sadness is um, is , is , sadness is a miner tantrum, is the war with what is.
Sadness is .. My father in-law died in January, and it was devastating to my mother in-law, and my wife is sad from time to time. you know, she's very does her day and does her life, and then sometimes at night she'll cry. and I'll say "are you sad?" and she'll say," yes, something, something in me misses him, and you know, I don't hear his voice and ”, you know , like that." So some ,so I, so I'm having trouble sort of distinguishing at all. Is ..
悲伤是。。。我的岳父今年一月份去世了。这对我岳母是一个毁灭性的打击,我的妻子常常会悲伤。你知道,她也会做东做西,过生活。但是有时候到了夜晚她会哭泣。我问她,“你在伤心么?”她说,“是的,我有点儿想念他,你知道,我再也听不见他的声音了 等等。所以,有时,我,我根本没办法区分这些情感。。”
Well, you know, really , she was probably hearing his voice in her head , as he , as she says" I don't hear his voice". So.. And also "I'll ever see him again." is another thought people experience ,and as they're imagining that person in their head. They're seeing him, um, and on and on and on...
So, I say no one can die, they don't have that , they don't have that option in my life. No one dies.
Because they're there with you?
Well. because as we , as you were talking about her , um, Laura's father, um , I was imaging my father immediately, it was a happening,and there he was. And that's what I did when he was alive, and to say he's on the other side of that room. I imagine him in the other side of the room, and and I saw him in my head when he was alive. So, there's no difference.(Right).there's no difference.
Touch, and smell and taste and textures,everything is um, is a projection of mind. we would believe that something , that there is something outside of mind. That's how powerful mind is. And there's nothing outside of mind. Mind creates it all.
You know, my father died when I was 23, and I lived at home, but I was away a lot of the day. So I didn't see him anyway.(He lived in your imagination) . You know, as amazing as I just have, when I was a little kid, I was always shocking to me, that's very like strong from, you know. I was always shocking to me when I, I always thought when I stop by myself that I only existed, and then I was always amazed that other people appearing, Because I couldn't get where they came from?
你知道,我父亲在我23岁的时候去世的,我当时在家里经历了那一切 。但是或许是父亲去世太久了。所以,我从没有见过他。(他活在你的想象中。)你知道,说起来是一件神奇的事儿,当我还是小孩子的时候,我常常把自己吓到,那种感觉非常强烈。你知道。我常常会停下来,觉得全世界只有我一个人存在,然后会非常惊喜地看到其他人出现,我很惊喜是因为我不知道他们到底是从哪儿来的?
Now you know, your imagination.
When they walk into a room, you know, does that my...?
They are your imagination. And what I mean by that, the story that you're experiencing about them, is who you believe just walked into the room.(Right)
And you know , my question is who would you be without your story? You know, you would be the little boy alone ,and loving it , and a wild and wonderful fantasy.(Right) .And that's what life is, and it's a fantasy.(Yeah, that's amazing.)And what I invite the world to do, is to question their thoughts about life, and ,and really have a happy life. To , to question their thoughts , their stressful thoughts about , about life.
And in getting to that, that's what I got, the four questions addressed stressful thoughts? (Yes.) Correct?
Yes, they wake us up from the nightmare. And if we can wake up from the nightmare, we eventually come to see that life is a dream. and , and it's so beautiful, who wants to wake up, even though you're awake.
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