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发表于 2018-6-22 12:19:09
虽然有自知之明,一直心大肺大地开心地活着。但偶尔, “自己人生就这么普通地度过么?”、“我人生的意义到底是什么呢?”等念头(小我)还是会蹦出来刺激着小心脏,呵呵。
感谢The work,常常让我觉得“朝问道,夕死可矣”。凯蒂犀利的语言能够直接划破我的幻想,爽快无比。何以解忧,唯有凯蒂,哈哈哈~~~ 分享之。
From: Byron Katie.(节选自:拜伦.凯蒂)
* What is my life's purpose?
* 我人生的意义到底是什么啊?
* Oh my god, what is my.. Oh, to sit here in this chair.(Audiance: Laughing)
* 哦,天啊,我活着到底是为了什么啊。。。。
* Certainly it should be something grander than that just sit.
* 可是,肯定有什么事情,是比就这么干坐着更有意义啊?
* You know, what's grander than sitting here?
* 你想知道什么是比干坐在那里更有意义的么?
* Sitting here HAPPILY!
* 那就是开心地坐在那里!
* Life is, is not difficult, our thoughts about life are difficult.
* 生活,生活本身其实并不艰难,是我们关于生活的那些想法让它变得艰难。
* And as long as we believed them, how can we sit, just simply sit in a chair happily?
* 只要我们还深信着那些想法,我们怎么能够开心地只是坐在那里呢?
* And that's all that's required of us.
* 而开心地坐着,其实就是我们人生在此刻的所有使命。
* What does God want me to do? Just sit.
* 上帝到底想让我做什么啊?哦,只是坐着就好了。
* And there are two ways of doing it. One is miserably, and the other is absolutely in a state of joy and gratitude for the break, and just waiting until you stand, and loving that ,and loving that, and loving that.
* 你有两种坐在那里的方式。一种是悲惨地坐在那里,另一种是抱着绝对的喜悦与感恩享受这片刻的休息,安静地等待着,直到你站起来,并深爱着那个站起来的你,并深爱着接下来的一刻,接着一刻。
* Just watching, noticing ,noticing how you're serving with every breath, with every movement, serving what is.
* 只是留心观察,观察你如何服务于每个一呼一吸之间,服务于每一个当下,服务于所有的现实。
* Realized or not, that's what's going on.
* 不管你有没有意识到,这就是此时正在发生的事情。
* We don't have to realize that, have you noticed? And yet, that is what's going on.
* 我们未必非要意识到这些,你有没有发现? 不管有没有你的参与,这就是始终正在发生着的一切。