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本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-3-19 12:09 编辑
Thomas:Dear Katie, I ‘m very thankful that you brought the work to us. I have a problem with which I struggle again and again。
Things are the way they are. I know . But I have done many years of psychal therapy, and I’ve learned that I should live my life in an active way, I should actively change my life, and I have to take the responsibility for what I do in my life.
You say decisions are made by themselves without my intervention. Does this mean that I wait passively until my life is changing by itself while something happens? And does it mean the act of changes are wrong? I am a little confused here. Maybe you can help me to find some clarity here. Thank you , Katie.
你说过 “决定会自行做出来,我不必去干涉”。那是不是意味着我只能被动地等待,一直等到某个时刻我的生活自己发生改变呢?那是不是意味着改变生活就是错误的呢?我对此有点迷惑了。或许您可以帮我理清楚。谢谢凯蒂。
Katie: Oh, thank you for writing. So let’s see if we can look more closely at this. You say things, en, you realize that things are the way they are. But in my life, you know, I’ll say things are the way they are because they are the way they are. And it’s a truth, but I can say more to that. Things are the way I believe them to be. And without inquiry , I’m stuck with that. Like no matter what happens, I am judging what that is. And if I believe my thoughts, that is the world I am stuck with. So I’m successful or I’m a failure, as I believe me to be. So, the world is only ,en , it can only be what I believe it to be. You understand?
如果没有质询,我会被卡在那里(即,卡在 “事物自有其存在的道理" 这个念头中)。比如,无论发生什么事,我都会判断那是什么。如果我相信了自己的念头,那就是我被卡住的世界。所以,我是成功的还是失败的,取决于我相信了什么。所以,世界只不过是,嗯,它只能是我认为它是什么的样子。你能明白么?
(Thomas: Hmm, I can see.)
Now in the meantime, until you’re just really, through inquiry is the only way I know, but as you continue inquiry,en.. It’s like you continue to live your life in an active way, good. And that you’re proactive, good. And also, you say I should actively change my life. Good, change your life. And you say ,and I have to take responsibility for what I do in my life, and I say good, but also consider taking responsibility for what you’re believing about life , at least at the same level you do about what you’re doing with your life, or in your life.
凯蒂:现在,同时。除非你真的通过质询,也就是据我所知唯一的一条路(the work)。但是,当你持续地去质询它的时候,嗯。。就像是你持续地以积极地方式来生活,很好。你非常正能量,很好。你也说你想要积极地改变生活,很好。去改变生活吧。你还说,你要为自己的行为承担责任,我还是会说很好。但是,我建议你也考虑一下为所有你关于生活的想法承担责任,至少像是你对生活所承担的责任一样。
Now as you are striving to accomplish. If you accomplish your goal, then your ego is, I am the one that did it. And so it gives no credit to what….. It’s like in my life, I invite, I invite you to, as you’re accomplishing these goals or failing these goals, you know, just to look at those areas where you claim you as the doer. And just to consider, I’m not the doer.
So as I accomplish something in my life, you know, only an ego would take credit for it. And that’s not right or wrong. But if I don’t accomplish my goal , then my ego is deflated. So either way, it’s false identification in my experience. And this is something that we eventually come to, that it’s a truth that rings in some of us as right.
And inquiry continues to show us in the apparent, and you know, individually for ourselves. Now I can’t take credit to coming into this studio now. I can’t say I brought me here, well of course I can say that, I’m saying it, saying the words. But I brought me here on time, you know, good for me, I accomplished my goal, dot dot dot. You know, because all the proof that I’m telling you is simply, it’s nothing more than what I’m thinking and believing. And false images in my head that would show me driving my car, getting out of the car, walking into the studio. You know, those, that’s a dream in my head.
Now when we’re asleep, we see these images , and we’re believing about those images. And they happen so quickly, and you can say , "how did you get here, Katie? You know, to this event?" And those images in my head, I would be talking out of those. And that’s OK. It’s just do I recognize that it’s all false. And let’s say I’m late. It’s the same thing. So I’m inflated or deflated, false self , false self. I hope I’m not confusing you.
(Thomas: hehe,No.)
You seem to be tracking very well, you know. And that’s just how I see it. But .en . In truth , I can say it is and it isn’t. What I speak isn’t my experience, and what I speak is my experience.
So let’s see what else here, Thomas. Does it mean that you have to wait passively until your life changes by itself or something happens? You know, you don’t have to wait. If you just look at it, your life is always changing, whether you changing it or not. As mind changes, life changes. And we think it’s life changing, and the mind catching up with it, but it’s the other way around. And also ,and no, active changes aren’t wrong. Any other questions?
那么让我们看看这封信件中还有些什么问题,托马斯。那是否意味着你不得不被动地等待,直到你的生活自己发生转变或者某些事情发生? 要知道,你不必等待。如果你只是稍微看一下,就会发现你的生活其实总是在改变,无论你改变不改变它。当念头改变时,生活就改变了。我们都以为是生活在改变,然后念头跟随生活;其实事实恰好相反。同时,也是一样,积极的改变并没有什么错。还有其他问题么?
(Thomas: that was my whole question at this time.)
Katie:So, it’s nice hanging out with you again,Thomas. thank you.