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Now ,just talk about the "I can't do it." I have "I can't do it." sometimes, but I somehow I can get past it mostly, and not always.
现在,我们来谈谈 “我做不到” 这个念头。我有时会有这个“我做不到”的念头, 但是不知道为什么大部分的时候我能够克服这个念头,但是并不是总能够克服掉。
When you think "I can't do it", your mind will give you all the reasons why that's true. So if you put those on paper and question them, it doesnt leave much "I can't do it".(Right). It leaves when you have the thought "I can't do it."um, you can immediately go to “how would I know that?” I mean that's just a theory.
当你想到“我做不到”的时候,你的心智会给你所有的证据,去证明为什么那是真的。所以,如果你把那些念头写在纸上去质疑它们,那么“我做不到”这个念头就不剩下什么了。(是的)。通过功课,它会让你当想起“我做不到”的时候,嗯,你立刻就会想到 “我怎么知道我做不到呢?",我的意思是,那只是一个理论而已。
A thought, right?
Yeah,it's llike , well, you , you can't know that you can't , and you can't know that you can. It's just that one is easier than the other. One is uh less in your way, because there's less trail to prove it.
Which is easier ? En, I can't?
I can. ("I can" is easier...?) Sure, sure, because when you believe I can, your mind immediately trails into ways and options,(Right), pulling it off.But when you're into,, when you believe "I can't do it", your mind immediately is showing you all the reasons you can't.(Right.)
So, either way when you believe it, the mind supports that.(Right). That's how you, uh, continue to believe. So with this mind, the way, the way it's working from here, like my mind is everyone's mind, and the way, the way it speaks and lives and exists and believes from here, is uh... If someone says," Katie, you can't do it." I think, "you know, they could be right, and who knows." I don't have to go "rah, rah, rah, yes I can... " It's " who knows, they could be right.Who knows" But I don't believe I can, I don't believe I can't, and if it's something I want, I just move to it. (Right, and ... ) And I notice I just moved to it, or I don't. And even, even a want isn't true. They're just the stories the mind tells, as life appears to go.
所以,不管怎么样,当你相信了它,心智就会证明它。(是的)。那也是为什么你,嗯,你会一直相信那个念头。所以,如果是对于这个心智(凯蒂指自己),对于坐在这里的这个心智的话,那就像是说我的心智就是每个人的心智,它所说的,所活出来的,所存在的,所相信的,是,嗯。。。打个比方,如果有人说,”凯蒂,你做不到。“我会想,”你知道,他们或许说得对,但是谁知道呢?“ 我不会迫使自己去哇啦哇啦哇啦的辩解,去说我能做到。同时,如果我想要什么东西,我只是去做就好了啊。(对的,嗯)同时,我注意到自己去做了,或者没去做。甚至,甚至一个想要的念头都不是真的。它们只是心念随着生活的展开,所编造的故事而已。
Right. You've mentioned that there're no new stressful thoughts.
Yes, all recycled, and I've noticed that in every language, every country in the world that I've ever traveled, gilgamesh(吉尔伽美什,传说中的苏美尔国王), the oldest known, written epic, the oldest epic , known to man, and it was chiseled in clay, and all of the beliefs that are in that book, and my husband translated (mm-hm) this book, so I had an opportunity to ,to ,uh, to look into it, and I saw what I've known for more than 20 years, and that is there are no new stressful thoughts, chiseled into that that clay stone. There, we're still living them today, we're still believing them today. And if you think uh, um, any belief that we have considered here, talked about today, nothing new, nothing new,nothing new.nothing new.nothing new. And when we look at, uh, at the questioned mind, and how it just flows and cuts through everything, it just does not have time to get stuck.(Right) And it has no way to get stuck. It's free.
When you say new stressful thoughts, do you mean... (There're no new stressful thoughts.) There're no new stressful thoughts.That's it?
Yeah. And that's , you know, the judge- your-neighbor worksheet I , uh, I designed it, uh, just understanding that, all thoughts are about "I want, I need, you should, you shouldn't..."(Oh, Yeah.Right) And it's , it's all lined out, "I don't ever want to ..." and basically "It's your fault." And "if you changed, then my life would be better. And of course so would yours...." And, uh, that's ridiculous. We've been working under that system forever ,and we're still at war with the self, war in our homes, communities, countries, world.
是的。你知道,那是批评邻人作业单,我设计的那个单子,嗯,就是理解那个单子,所有的想法都是围绕着,”我想要,我需要,你应该,你不应该。。。“(哦,对,是这样的。)嗯,作业单中把所有这些想法都画好了,比如”我再也不想要。。。“等等。基本来看,所有的念头的潜台词都是,”这是你的错”, 同时,“如果你改变了,那么我的生活会变得更好。当然,你的生活也会变得更好。。。”等等这些念头。嗯,那样想是,嗯,是荒谬至极。我们长期以来始终都在这样的信念体系之下,我们依然还是在与自我作对,与我们的家人作对,与社会、国家、世界作对。
It's like a child isn't born when they come out of the womb, the child is born the moment that they become a believer. It's like the parent could say, "Your name is, is Emily.“ And, and let's say Emily, is this little infant, and the parent could say," You're Emily, you're Emily." She's just a gogo-gaga.( Right), She's, she is, not gonna, you know, that means nothing to her. When she gets a little older, "Emily,Emily,Emily" means nothing to her, nothing at all. And then in some moment, she,,, you say," You're Emily." She becomes a believer, (Right), and in that moment, she's born with whatever it is. I could say "it's a tree." The moment she becomes a believer, she's born, she is seperated out. And who did it? Not the parent, the believer, the mind is identified as ,as this( Katie Pointing to her face),(Right),as I.
这就像是说,一个婴儿从妈妈的子宫里生出来的那一刻,并没有出生。只有当这个孩子相信了自己的念头的那一刻,他们才算是真正的出生。就像是,父母会说,“你的名字是艾米丽” 嗯,我们假设那个小孩叫艾米丽,是一个很小的小婴儿。她的父母说,”你是艾米丽,你是艾米丽。” 而她只是咕咕嘎嘎而已(是的),她,你知道,那些话对她来说一点儿意义也没有。当她长大一点儿,“艾米丽、艾米丽、艾米丽” 对她来说,还是一点儿意义也没有,她根本听不懂。然后,在某一个时刻,她,嗯,当你说,“你是艾米丽。” 她相信了。(是的)在那一时刻,她才真正出生,不管那是什么。我也可以说,“那是一棵树。” 当她相信了这个念头的那一刻,她出生了,她把自己分离出来。谁让她出生的?不是父母,是那个相信了念头的人做到的,心智开始将自己定义为这个身体(凯蒂摸着自己的脸说),定义为一个“我”。(是的)
And before that, she was not I..?
She was, she was only what you believed her to be. And she was not bothered.(Right,haha). She was a non-believer.(Right). And, and ,she was nothing. And you said "She cries, she's hungry, she's thirsty, she needs her diaper change." But she never told you that, and you interpreted her crying as that, and good, you change her diaper, you feel better. And but we , we say"she this, she that,she this, she that, she wants up, she wants down, she's sleepy, she wants to get...." You know, and she ,, you know, it's a wonderful story. And there you have it.
Right.Can a depressed person get out of being depressed without medication or therapy?
You know, , um ,I know that I did, and if I did, you know, from the tomb that I was living in, that um, if I can, I don't know why anyone else couldn't. And I don't know. I know it's possible because I walk that.
Right. I mean but even for me, I mean I ,, It's hard for me to say, I don't know what one other person's depression is, but as you talk today about stressful thoughts.
There're no new one, so ,,(Yeah,),I know what they're believing.(Right.) I mean there are no mysteries, it's over. I mean when you know your own mind, it's over.When you ,once you understand mind,the mystery is gone. So that's the end of seeking anything.
So let's say, you know, if I have a stresssful thought, " She doesn't love me." , whatever, I ,I mean there's I can think of many, and let's say the guy in prison, whatever he believed, you know, and then he murdered his... (His girlfriend.) his girlfriend. What's the difference I didn't murder,,,, you know, I had the same stressful thoughts. but I didn't do what he did.
打个比方,你知道,如果我有一个有压力的念头,“她不爱我。” 不管什么念头都好,我,我的意思是,我能够找出好多个。比方说,那个关进监狱的家伙,不管他相信什么念头,你知道,然后他谋杀了他的女友,(他的女友)。那么,我们的区别在什么地方? 为什么我没有去谋杀,要知道,我也想着那些同样的想法啊,但是我为什么没有做他做的那些事情呢?
Well, if you look at the stressful thought, "She doesn't think I'm worthy." The mind shows all the proof. Well,yours trails so far, and then comes back. But his is just keep showing, all the proof that it's true, what he's believing about her. And then uh, all of these that's holding it up, it's huge.mmm-hmm, that's how murder happens. But if you question this one, like "She doesn't think I'm worthy, or worthwhile." Is it , and it starts to show you all the proofs and you question it, "Is it true?" Then this drops,(Right.), and you can wait to, uh, to see "Can I absolutely know that it's true?"
And what I like to do,, it's like if, if I had the thought "You don't like me."Uh, I absolutely know that No.1 ,it's none of my business, it's ridiculous. And No.2, that I can't know your mind. Because mind is, you know, there's one mind, but if you put it all together, it's one schizophrenic mind, one multiple personality mind, you know, it's thought,um in time and space, it just appears to be happening differently. But if you put it all together. It's one mind, no time in it. So it appears to be in time.
If I had the thought um, "He doesn't like me" Immediately I would just say, " Do you like me?" and use your mind. And if you said,"I don't". Then I think, "That's interesting, our minds match."(Em haha). And if you said "I do." I think," Well, that's interesting." You know, nice to know the truth. And I believe everything you say, just like I believe, uh, everything I think, Uh, one way or the other, It's just mind repecting mind.(Right).Mind respecting itself, mind's not at war with its own mind, which is every mind, all mind.(And then ,any answer..)Mind always met.(Right).
如果我有一个念头,嗯 “他不喜欢我”,我马上会说“你喜欢我么?” ,去使用你的心念。如果你回答说,“我不喜欢你” 。那么我会想,“太有趣了,我们想的一样。”(嗯,哈哈哈~~)如果你说,“我喜欢你。” 我会想,“哇,太有趣了。”你知道,很高兴知道真相。我相信你说的每一句话,嗯,就像是我相信我所想的每一件事一样。换句话说,那只是心念在尊重心念。(是的)。心念在尊重它自己,心念不再与它自己的念头开战,它自己的念头同时也是每一个人的念头,也是所有人的念头。(所以,任何回答。。。)心念永远相遇。(是的)
And , and it's not valid, because it's uh, I understand how mind changes.That's how it appears in time.So I've the thought "He doesn't like me.", you know, it doesn't do a lot of good to ask you, because 10 minuters later, you might like me.(Right) So mind changes like that, depending on the story appearing that it's attached to.
同时,这样说也不准确。因为,嗯,心念,我明白心念是多么的善变。那也是为什么,让它看起来好像是出现在时间中一样。所以,如果我有一个想法,“他不喜欢我。” 你知道,直接去问你也没什么用,因为10分钟之后,你可能有喜欢我了。(是的)所以,心念的变化就像是那样,取决于它当时所依附的那个故事。
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