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本帖最后由 starinheart 于 2018-11-1 12:33 编辑
You know, interesting, you know ,you talked about with body,,,and you know, I don't really know, the gym has sort of shifted for me. Um, and I still go, is something about,, you know, having to produce a certain look , you know ,and I can just go , and , and even , and even wanting to produce that look, that's okay. You know, it's , it's just all of it is okay. You know what I'm saying? I want to produce that look? I don't,, do I? You know, Do I? Yes. Do I? No. But instead of saying"I do want to produce the look,and I believe it." or " I don't want to." or "I shouldn't be here." or "I should be there." I'm there!
但是,不像是以前的那种念头,“我就是要塑身,我相信这有用!” 或者 “我根本不想塑身!”或者,”我不应该在这儿。我应该在那儿。“
Yeah, instead, you just find yourself at the gym or not. (Right.I'm pumping iron.And yay!) Yeah.(So what?!) Yeah.(You know what I'm saying? It's free.) Yeah. Well, that's that's what we do. You know, we're free, to come and go, it's only the mind that would say that we're not.(Right)
But it's like on the way to the gym, the story could be running," I have to do this, I have to do this" or" I'm going to do it to look." you know ,all the stories running. If you question them, you know,"Who would you be without your story?" --- Going to the gym!(Right!)
但是,那就像是你走在去健身房的路上,头脑中故事会这样说,“我必须得锻炼,我必须得去” 或者,“我要锻炼让自己更健壮一些”,,,, 你知道,是这些故事一直在喋喋不休。如果你质疑它们,也就是是向自己提问:“没有你的故事你是谁?”..... 就是去健身啊。(对的)
There are two ways to go to the gym, one is in peace, and one is not. There're two ways not to go to the gym. And you noticed that sometimes you're there, sometimes you're not. (Right).
It's like the child , uh ,Emma with the tantrums, you know, it's all a story.Who would we be without our story? You know, out going to the gym, and not.(Right) You know, out going to the tantrum ,and not. It's just what it is.
Do people worry that without their stories, although I don't know, that that's possible anyway to be without your story, but that there's something gonna be missing from from them, boring, that they'll be boring or they'll be ..(mm-hm) You hear that, right? (mm-hm).
有没有人会担心,没有他们的故事,,,嗯,我说不准啊,有没有可能, 如果没有你的故事,有人会觉得生命中失去了什么,会觉得无聊,他们会变得无聊,或者他们会担心。。。(嗯,是的),你明白,对吧?(嗯)
The mind will do anything to keep from ,uh ,losing control. "It would be too boring if I did the work." Well, I would question that one. "I could lose my world, this is terrifying!" That's a good one. You know, question that one. And people who question what they believe, they do lose the world. They lose the world they understand it to be. And it's only the world of suffering that they lose, they don't lose the other. You know, it's, it's uh, it just works that way. And it's not that they don't lose the other, it's just a beautiful world that's left. Actually, HEAVEN is here on EARTH. But because we believe our thoughts about earth, it feels like hell. And so ,HELL is here on EARTH,heaven is here on earth.This is paradise, and we're asleep to it. and I'm inviting people to wake up, or not.
心念会尽其所能,嗯,去保留自己的控制权。“如果我做功课,我会变得太无聊”, 哦,我会质疑这个念头。“我可能会失去我的世界,那太可怕了”,那也是一个不错的念头。你知道,质疑它就好了。那些会质疑自己所相信的念头的人们,他们的确会失去那个世界。他们会失去他们所认为的那个世界,失去的只是那个让他们痛苦的世界,而不会失去其他的世界。要知道,嗯,那是,就是这么回事。并不是他们没有失去那个美好的世界,准确的说,应该是所留下的只是一个美好的世界。实际上,天堂就在这里,在地球上。但是由于我们相信了自己关于地球的那些念头,使它感觉起来像是在地狱一样。所以,地狱就在这里,在地球上;天堂就在这里,在地球上。这里是人间天堂,只是我们都不曾觉察。我邀请人们觉醒于此,或者不醒。
Right,hehe. Wake up or not.
Yeah.But no one can wake them up. You know, these, these questions are again, the answers are personal, and they'll surface. You know,what I love is, when people, you know, anyone can do this work, if their mind is open to it. That they open to it, and just let that child's mind just surface,(Right), and those answers meet the questions,and, and not to fear it. Because, you know, you can take your old belief back anytime you want, and just take the risk and answer ,(mm-hm),and uh,and have a good life.
Right. right, who is the work for?
Anyone who is available to answer the question. It's ageless. If you take a child, they think " Oh, I did it wrong." You take someone on their death-bed," Oh, I did wrong." You know, it's there. There's no young and old, there're only concepts believed. And anyone can answer these simple questions if their mind is open to it.
任何一个能够回答这些提问的人。它是不分年龄段的。比如是个小孩子的话,他们可以会想,“哦,我做错事了!” 比如是个临命终的老人的话,他们也可能会想,“哦,我做错事了。”你知道,就是这样的,不分年老年幼,只不过是相信了那个念头而已。任何能够回答这些简单的提问的人们,如果他们的心对这些问题敞开的话,功能就是为他们准备的。
You know, I've done work, whatever,, workshops and ,and maybe thinking I got somewhere,whatever, um, and it's available to that person too, (Yeah), And it's avaiable to the person who still does the the workshops with the other people.(Yes.Yes),and it doesn't matter.(Yes.) and so I want (Yes) that ,I just think that's important for people to know, because, you know,my question wouldn't be okay.I worked with ex-teacher, which is fine.you know, or , and I, the way I see it, is, it's great because you can work with ex-teacher, and still,, because the four questions are not, it's ,it's about inquiry.(Yeah) So, so I don't see, I see it as harmonious.(It absolutely is) I do.
I mean it doesn't, uh, there's no philosophy here, there's no religion here, there's nothing you have to do here, You don't even have to answer the questions. There is, there're no requirements. And anyone open to it,can ,can do it. It's mind's high play.But you know, why wouldn't, you know. If people say," I'm going to this teacher." and I think ,well of course you would, you know, there's , you , you like that teacher, why wouldn't you? (Right) You know, it would be like, like uh, being with a friend, someone you grow with, and learn from. You know, that is a healthy thing.
我的意思是,功课不是,没有什么哲学体系,功课也不是宗教信仰,没有什么你必须要去遵守的条条框框,你甚至都不必非得去回答那些问题。功课没有任何限定条件。任何对功课开放的人,都可以做功课。它是一种心念的高级游戏。但是要知道,为什么不呢? 你知道,如果有人说,“我要去找这个老师。”我会想,你当然要去啊,嗯,你既然喜欢那个老师,为什么不去找他呢?(对的)。要知道,那就像是,和一个朋友在一起,你可以向他学习,跟随他成长。要知道,那是一件有益的事情。
And so, if you come to the , and if when you ask the four questions, you end up leaving the teacher, or so what? you know?
Yeah. well, you could end up leaving the teacher anyway.(Right, wow, that's true.hahaha~~) Yeah, so, you know, its just a story we're telling(Right!) as life appears to go on.(Right.That's uh, Yeah, that's vey good.) It's like, uh, someone walks in the teacher and do all the becauses and the reasons, but if they question that, they're just moving on.(Right).It appears. No one has to be loyal to the work, because it isn't anything. It's four questions, and they don't even say answer me. So it's not even a Thing.
Do people sometimes,, because that is hard to get, and I don't blame people, because I can get it.You know, do people sometimes misunderstand that?
Sure. Because they're, they see it as a thing, and it's not.(RIght) But but of couse they would because I call it the work. So it sounds like a thing even though it's active. And I don't call the work for nothing. This is an ongoing process, because mind is ongoing until it's not.(Right)
Once it's at peace, it comes to see that it's not ,and life begins.
And so it's called the work.(Work).I'm good with that?
Yeah. yeah, you know, the word is just in case people, you know, if you have someone thinks, let's say,I did the work and I thought" I am enlightened !" and you know, if you have the work, how can that be? You would have ro question that also. (Right)
是的,是的。要知道,用这个词语只不过是为了以防万一,要知道,如果有人认为,,,,举例来说吧,如果我做了功课,然后我自认为 “哦,我开悟了!” 要知道,如果你真的有在做功课的话,那怎么可能呢?你应该连这个念头也要质疑的呀。(是的)
So it doesn't leave any room higher or lower, or "they're wiser than I am." The questions will not allow that,(Right), if you answer them. It's , it leaves all of us equally. it leaves one mind balancing itself out.
所以,功课不会让你觉得自己更高或更低。或者如果你认为,“他们都比我有智慧” ,功课的四个提问也不会允许这个念头困住你,(是的)。如果你回答这些提问的话,功课会将你带到所有人都是平等的境地,它只会留下一个能够自我平衡的心智。
And as your mind balances, whatever you hear,in other words, as you continue to learn what is true for you and what is not, the whole world shits in that.Because you're able to hear and ,and be a part of reality,rather than seperate from it, and all begins to make sense.
~~~ 待续~~