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Before I was born, well I'm told, but I, I had a brother who was hit by a car and killed. And my mother was nine months prenant with my oldest brother. And so, and my sister was alive and she didn't.The story goes, you know ,she let him walk to school and he was hit by a car and soon he got killed, and so she had to call my father at work and say,,,, oh ,you know, ,," Joey was killed."
And I did't know it was true until one day, I was nine years old, ah it's like kind of long time after , cuz I was born way after that. And I saw a picture of this kid, and I , he looked like my brother Danny, right? who is younger than my sister, but here was this kid who was Danny looked older than my sister, and all of a suddern, this was a reality for me. Right? But you know, what I never, like something that trigers , you know my parents, like I got to give them credit for the fact that I didn't know, that , do you know what I'm saying? (That's huge.) I didn't know that he existed until I saw his picture, (It went along with their lives) and yeah you know, but it was always thought that , you know like," oh, you know, you didn't tell the kids and you know it wasn't good thing." (We don't talk about it.)We don't talk about that in our,, you know, but I'm thinking, well ,that's pretty,,,, I mean, from my reality as a kid, it's great.
Let's say, one of your children died. (Right.) It is possible for you to keep her alive in all of you, all the days of your life, if there's no sadness, what replaces that has to be something else. So, it's remember the time. "Oh yeah, I remember the time,I remember how she left , I remeber ,,,," And you just keep her alive with your children, with your grandchildren, everybody.She lives,she lives, she's not in the grave, your're not in the grave. And, and it's wonderful because she never ages and, and it's fabulous.
You know, that's again no one can die,(right) you know, we killed them in our heads.
What I notice with all my kids, and even when since they've been babies, well, I don't know that I know this, but let's say that I noticed that they have certain behavior patten, certain behaviors, even before they could talk, and I can tell you what they are,(mm-hm), You know, Emma just like had tremendous tantrums, and she would kick, you know we didn't even know why.
So you're calling them tantrums,(Right), and , and that's just an idea. (Right,) Good.
Okay,I got that. But every kid has a different way...
See, like with the tantrum thing, let's look at that, it's like that what you called it. And that's what you believe it to be, and it's nothing more than it is what it is. Uh, it just is whatever you believe it to be. And whatever you believe it to be will stress you out , or it won't. And you can go to the doctor by the way, if it seems,, you know, like the child's in pain or in some kind of trouble. But, you don't have to be tormented yourself with it. Other than what you're believing , when you attach a story to what's going on.
Then the child gets older, and the same behavior continues. Mind begins to take that on and catch up with it, and use it to identify as. So the mind will give reasons and believe it. And that someone calls a tantrum, and then the child learned to call it a tantrum.
Hey, it wasn't that way when she didn't know what it was?
Yeah, it was nothing, until she became a believer.(Right) And then she became a believer, then mind has a reason for everything it believes. It keeps that personality or that identity alive (right) to itself.And it's nothing more than if the child had no mind, was absolutely brain-dead, it would appear to be throwing these tantrums, cuz that's what you believe they are. And basically it is just what it is.
So, I mean, you know, would you say that aging is a belief?
Well, absolutely.
And time passing is a belief?(Nodding), a thought, right? (Nodding).
A concept, a thought.
The body seems to age...
If you have a past to compare it to.
Right, that's true. You said that mind is seeking a place to rest,what does that mean?
Well, another way I said it, is seeking a home for itself, a place to rest in itself.
Because you know, if you think the thought , uh, for example, "I can't do it." The mind immediately travels to find some kind of resolution for that. And all it knows how to do, is ,is find examples of why that's true. Mind is , is brilliant. And it's seeking for truth.
So it thinks "I, I can't do it." So then it gives ,, it begins to experience all the ,, it's the images and concepts to prove that, that "it can't do it." That's how it keeps the past , that's how it gives the illusion of a past. It doesn't keep it, it just keeps the illusions. That, uh, that ,uh, people believe the images in their head, and it really looks like a past is real, even though it can not be.
所以,当它认为” 我,我做不到“,然后它会给出,,嗯,它开始去体会所有的能证明这个念头为真的那些图像和念头,来证明”它做不到“。 那就是心念用来保存“过去”的方式,那就是心念创造出一个“过去”的幻象的方式。它无法保存过去,它只是保存着那些幻象。那,嗯,人们相信他们头脑中的画面,那看起来真的像是有一个真实存在的过去,即使它根本不可能存在。
So when mind ask itself," Is it true?" " I can't do it, is it true?" Then uh, in that space of don't know, you experience who you are, without the thought "I can't do it." (mm-hm) Mind experiences that, and then options flood in.(Right) They flood in. When the mind is busy showing us images and concepts of why we can't do it, those options are not available.
所以当念头向自己提问:“这是真的么?”“ 我做不到,这是真的么?” 然后,嗯,在那个“不知道”的心智空间中,你体会到你是谁,没有“我做不到”这个想法的你是谁。(嗯)心智体验到哪一点,然后各种可能性就如同潮水般涌进来。(是的)各种可能性如潮水一般涌入。而当心念忙于向我们证明为什么“我们做不到”的各种图像和念头的时候, 我们就根本看不到这些可能性。
So, you asked me what is God. And when we believe " we can't do it.", for example, that thought becomes our God, and it's all we're worshipping. It's like I can't do it , because ,because , because,,,because ,because ,because ... So ,that is worship.That is devotion. And that takes everything up, and there's no room for anything other than that, when mind is in it.
所以,你问我上帝是什么。举例来说,当我们相信了“我做不到”这个念头的时候,这个念头就变成了我们的上帝,它是我们全心崇拜的。那就像是说 “我做不到,因为这个,因为那个,因为这个,因为那个,因为这个,因为那个。。。”所以,那是一种崇拜。那是一种献身。当心智陷入那个念头中的时候 ,那个念头就取代了所有,除了它再没有别的可能性存在。
So when the mind has the presence to question itself, for example, " I can't do it. Is it true?" Then it stops moving to that polarity, if the intention is there.(Right) And it stops moving into the polarity of " can't do it,can't do it, can't do it" and all the proof. And it begins to open to something else. And that's brilliant, that's brilliant, and in that the mind can rest.
所以,当心智开始质疑自己的时候,例如,“我做不到,这是真的么?” 然后,它就停止继续滑向那个极端,如果你提问的意图明确。(对的)。它停止滑向“我做不到,我做不到,我做不到“的那个极端和那些证据。它开始对其他的可能性敞开。而那是非常棒的,那样做非常明智,然后在那里,心念得以歇息。
And "is it true?", it doesn't matter what stressful thought you apply that to, if the intention is there, if you really want to know the truth,and the intention's there,mind will stop. And it will go another direction. Until eventualy, it learns its own nature. My short version is, the universe is friendly.Mind's own nature, friendly. And it lives in that polarity, and in that duality ceases to exist. There's only one, and it's good, and it is its own true nature.There is nothing within it that can grasp anything else, it's totally out of denial, and it is pure, pure infinite creative mind, (mm-hm), unstuck. It's, it's very exciting.
同时,”那是真的么?” 无论你对什么念头来提问,如果你提问的意图明确,如果你真的想要知道真相,你的意图明确的话,心念就会停止狂奔。它会转向另一个方向,直到最后它了解了它自己的本质。简单来说,宇宙是友善的。心念的本质,是友善的。它会活在“宇宙是友好的这个极端,而在这里,二元性不再存在了。只有一,而它是良善的,它是真实的本质。在合一中,没有任何一个能够抓取到另一个,完全没有任何的否定,它是纯粹的,纯粹的、具有无限创意的心,(嗯),无挂无碍。它是,它是非常令人兴奋的。
If you think a thought,(uh-huh), Okay? So, you just said "uh-huh"(Right) Okay. Where's your proof? Where did it go? Only the thought appearing now exists as proof ,that "uh-huh" even existed. So without the thought, where's the proof? So you would...(It's not there.) " It's not there." and where die that thought go? (Astonished).So actually even thought doesn't exist. Actually when I say mind is everything, the truth is, and when you look at , when you look at it really, even thoughts don't exist.Nor the problems not exist, but neither is mind. (mm).
如果你想到一个念头,是吧?(啊哈?)所以,你刚刚说了一句”啊哈“,(是的),好。那么你的证据是什么?那个”啊哈“去哪里了? 只有现在浮现在你头脑中的那个念头能够证明,证明你刚刚说了句”啊哈“。所以,除了那个念头之外,你还有什么证据?所以,你,,(它不在那儿。)”它不在那儿”,这个念头又跑去那里了呢?(愣住了)所以,实际上甚至连念头都不存在。实际上,当我说心即一切的时候,真相是当你觉照的时候,当你真的去觉照的时候,甚至连念头都不存在。不仅问题不存在,甚至连心念都不存在。(嗯)
And I invite everyone not to believe me, but to test it for themselves.(Right). All of these.There's nothing I say that I don't , I just, I just invite people not to believe me, please not to believe me, and simply to test it for themselves. Otherwise,words just are taken on its concepts, the ego just inflates and nothing really gets done.(it's the same, right? it's the same...) We just looked wise and smart, and until it's realized , it's ,it's it's just of no value. It's just more denial.
But I just ,I say this again, I love that, I love that there's no pressure on me to get more than I get.(Nodding) And not ony that, it's more than that for me. It's more than that.
You can't.
Right! I can't and I shouldn't.
Beautiful! Exactly so. Its like I can't therefore I shouldn't.
Right.well there you go, I mean. what more could you ask for.
Yeah. What a perfect set up.It is what it is.And no one is,um, is more ahead or further behind. It's just all running beautifully.
~~ 待续 ~~