to Mary, Ivy, Cherry, Gabriel (已经报名参加的四位学员Mary, Ivy, Cherry, Gabriel)
My Dear ones, (你们好)
The cost of session starts on 8/31, 9/7, 9/21, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9.( I could not do every 2 weeks since I am out of Taiwan.)(工作坊的费用从8/31开始收,包括8/31,9/7, 9/21, 10/12, 10/26, 11/9 ,11/16.六次)(月曦按:家芸姐基本没有修改时间,反而增加了一次8与31日的课。)
I made a mistake last email I did not put 8/31 and 10/26 for our regular session.
I did not want to charge a fee without telling you first. Therefore for session on 8/17 Mary and Cherry you do not need to pay for the session. Again the charge starts from 8/31. (我不想没有告知你们的情况下就收费,因此,8月17日已经参加过一次的Mary and Cherry,你们不需要付这次的费用),你们从8月31日开始付费。)
My Citibank's address is Citibank. F.S.B 11 E. third Ave.San Mateo, Ca 94401 321171184 A/C No. 040011518491 Please pay US$ 90 for 6 session, you only pay for the session you attended.(你仅仅付你参加的次数就可以了。) Mary and Ivy, Please wire US $180 cash to my account. ( Mary和 Ivy,请你们付钱到以上花旗银行账户) Thank you! As for Cherry and Gabriel I have to figure out a way for you to wire the money. I will let you know soon. (对于Cherry和Gabriel,我会告诉你们电汇的账户的) |