Here's the part that I, you know,“The cashier is a man or a woman, young or old, white or dark, dark or Asian, we usually exchange a few words, it isn't a little thing. All my life, I have been waiting to meet this person.."(Yeah) Wow! How many people a day do I not see?
Yeah, it's a good question., and that's what waters for.
(laughing) That's what waters for?
And everything is for. and everything is about your awareness, everything is about how you see it and waking you up to what's true and what's not. Basically to wake you up to your , to yourself.(right) , to your nature, which is not separate from anything. It's exciting. (it is exciting.)
I mean if someone says,, for example, um, with the water thing, you know," what you thing you're doing?!" you know, when you pick up the water. You know, it's just such a wonderful question. It'll bring you back to presence.What do you think you're doing?
Very. very closely. There's no mistake in the universe.
Do you.. this is a , this is a change. but I just ,when you've, when you've said it in that tone.. you know, I thought,"Oh, I could get offended,” by someone speaking to me in a certain way.
Well. Actually not. Your thoughts about that person and how they're speaking, that's all that can upset you, not that person. They just ask a question, and the way they asked it. But you put meaning onto that, and you upset you.
Only if you believe that they're unkind.And I prefer simply hearing the question, no matter how it asks.(Right. So let's say) Because maybe that's the only way I can hear it. (果冻昨天想起这句话时,差点笑到抽筋。very true。)(Right).And I dropped maybe.
It's amazing, you know, how you can , when I tell you it , also I found fascinating, sometimes like the first question was enough?(Oh, yeah) It was time efficient, it was like, okay, was that true? Is that true? is that true? and I didn't even have to say it to anybody. I looked at it, and the I lived it.(Yes,that's that's..That is a non-believer, the don't-know mind. )
So ..yeah, powerful, because you know,asking a question like , are you my daughter? you know, Allows me to interact with her., and I don't know,in a different way, if you're not my daughter, maybe you're, maybe you're not. maybe you're. But if you ...I don't own you , I do own you. I don't . .. Then all of the sudden, every interaction is like a know. (yeah) New (New).
What do you mean, you say no two people have ever met?
Well, one example is , someone says "what do you think you're doing?!" and what you see is a harsh matter. Well, immediately, in your world, you've met an unkind person.You would put that meaning onto that person and you don't know that person., and yet you believe it. You judge him from your story about him. So, and I would hear, he would say "what do you think you're doing?!". to me, and I think, Wow, you know, what a , what a kind man, he's interested in me, he has no um, no reason to be, and he wants to know what I'm doing.So I see him as a very kind man.
So he is two different people.and he is a kind man in my world, and he's a unkind man in your world. So I definitely prefer my world to an unkind world, to any any unkind world. So that's what I mean by no two people have ever met .
It's like you didn't meet him, and I didn't meet him. It's just that I prefer the one I met. (mm-hm) And I make very good use of , of ,words, of their gifts, communication. It's what we have to give.(right) Um, But he's not someone that you would want to spend a lot of time with, probably.(No.) But he didn't alienate himeself from your life, you alienated him from your life.(mm-hm).He couldn't alienate himself in my life. No one has that choice. That's my choice. If I judge someone is an uncaring unkind human being, I have just believed my thoughts about them. I haven't met an unkind person in 21 years. (Really?!)Yeah.
I wonder if you're traveling, you haven't been to New York.
I spend a lot of time in New York.
That's ,no, I get it though, I do get it, I get it. And do I live that way? I don't know. Maybe sometime.
You know, what I've noticed is as is, the parents haven't met their children.(Right) That partners haven't met each other,(Right) the way they really are.
Even, you know reading something from Laura, and I don't know if this is could be possibly the same thing. Reading something from their book, and expecting I know what her reaction is gonna be. And it's not that.I don't know this woman.