果冻叨叨:这段凯蒂的访谈视频,2小时40分钟,分为上下集。这是我见过的最长的一段对凯蒂的个人专访了。访谈的主持人是Josh Blau(以下全部简称为JoB),主题是“跟上现实(catching up with reality)。整个访谈是围绕着《A thousand name for joy》(中文版《喜悦无处不在》)而展开的。因为凯蒂的这本书是从老子《道德经》延伸出来的,探讨的是人生实相与宇宙一元性,所谓深入浅出,这是凯蒂的境地。果冻分享之,感谢那些私信我的朋友们的鼓励与期待,呵呵。
I started the book, it was a journey. fascinating, and it worked me. It worked on me(Yeah, yeah). Um, it went inside me ,and shook me up, upsetting at times.(unsettling ) unsettling? ( Yeah, it ,it um,disassembles belief systems.)But, what also was great about it is ,it allows you to keep whatever belief systems you need intact. So, that was really great. So I didn't have to go anywhere I wasn't going.
So you say , I said well ,this ,this spoke to me. " I'm so greatful to hotels. They give me pillows, matresses, sheets, everything I need for a good night's sleep, everything has always taken taken care of beyond what I think I want. There're windows, there're tissues,there's a notepad and pen,there's a Gideon Bible. So dear to so many, which stays in the drawer."
Which you know, I mean, you know, the Bible,right? I mean, you know ,and I saw, and I have so many judgments about the Bible. But then if I just look, Oh, it's dear to many and that's valuable to them. And why shouldn't it be valuable to them? I have what's valuable to me.
Ehm, Yeah, that's an open mind.So when you see that ,and you understand that,in the way that you obviously have. You've just caught up. It's like there's nothing new here. It's just that you are catching up with reality.(right, right) And so you're not being outdistanced ,like mind and reality begin to meet,and that's a wonderful thing.
And then I start to see all my prejudicces. So my kids go to the United Nations International School. and there're Muslim mothers, and you know, they wear whatever , they wear burqas, or what ever they wear.And I see that ,Oh,that's , that's important to them.
When you catch up with reality and what really is, you see it everywhere. It is, you begin to unravel, you mind opens up to what is and you begin to see a world you couldn't see before. (Right) And that's a beautiful thing.(Yeah) and you know, loving what is.
" On my bedside table there's also a bottle of water for my morning tea. I buy it at a gas station or a grocery store, or the little shop in the hotel. I looked at the brands of bottled water, curious to see which one my hand will choose. (You never know). I'm loving that I never can know until it actually picks up the bottle."
All of a sudden, you know. my hand was something not me?(Yes) Do you know what I‘m saying? (I think I do.) So it was like I would do things at the house , or you know, this or that, and it ,and it just kind of brought me maybe present ,or, so it calms me down, maybe, so I could do , go to the office and sit down and start a tax reture, and..
Well. It's a lot of fun too, because you get to observe your own life. You get to observe life. If you get to watch it move. You get to see what it reaches for, what it does what it does. and without the mind saying "I did it ,I did it." (Right) And it leaves you free to , to just observe intelligence,the way of it.
So then it like allows me to let my children move their hands where(Yes) ,where their hands move.
Yes, you begin to give your children permission to , to be.(Right.)without your internal judgements or even your spoken judgements.
So then I got to be gentle on myself, because the judgements come, and it's like "don't do that!"(harshly sound). and it's like"Don't do that."(gentlely sound) (when kids ask) Why? "I don't know."and you know. Because I said "not to do that."
And Laura and I ,Laura, my wife and I have talked about that, you know, Allowing the chindren to have freedom to express themselves. And you know , I said to her. cause, you know , in our house, it's kind of works two ways.She's sort of disciplinarian and I'm sort of not. So, you know ,I sort of what I , what I noticed I did, and then I caught myself as I started to say,"Oh, you shouldn't tell them to do their homework, because it's suppressig their freedom." and she said,"no, it's, it's not!"
I agree with her. (tell me ,tell me how you see that. Why is that?) Well, she , um, knows what works and what doesn't, um, out of experience. (Right) And she can say“ do this, don't do that”, and she probably noticed that they do or don't, no matter what she says , and sometimes. And she's passing on experience. (Right). And that's a very good thing to give children.