Ps. 在译文中,我将下面段落中的死亡(death)全部替换为活着(live),你会发现结论是一样的。正如凯蒂所说,我们并不是执着于某个事物,我们执着的是一个概念模式。
she said, “All the beliefs that you've constructed to protect yourself throughout your whole life are not needed, unnecessary. You are afraid because you think you are a body. You think you are a body, and you are afraid of death – afraid of nothing, only illusion, belief systems. There is no death. You are using your mind to scare yourself. To shame yourself. You cannot lose the ones you love. It is impossible. You are the one you lost. Others don't belong to you. But you obliterate them in your mind. You are the one who says they die. You are experiencing your own death through the thought. Your fears turn into realities, you create them, you materialize them.