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2013-5-19 13:59| 发布者: 三儿| 查看: 1858| 评论: 1

摘要: When you keep manipulating your partner to get her to love you, everything you do has that motive, even when you take her out to dinner. It's very painful.Awareness is a wonderful thing, and look forw ...
When you keep manipulating your partner to get her to love you, everything you do has that motive, even when you take her out to dinner. It's very painful.

Awareness is a wonderful thing, and look forward to manipulating her again, because when we step into inquiry, our patterns change, and we become a total question mark. It's incredibly exciting that you don' even know who you are aside from your motives. And once you begin inquiring, you can take her out to dinner, and you are unlimited. Or you can not take her out to dinner, and you are unlimited. That's how it is. You love yourself totally, and she doesn't have to participate, so there is no motive in “ I love you.” Isn't that fine? Without a motive, the pain disappears. Your thinking about what she was thinking about you was your hell. You had to puff yourself up to match all your beliefs about what you thought she was thinking, you had to be the Marlborough man. And when she has sex with you, you saw that as validation that your delusion was right.


Your partner is your mirror. Except for the way you perceive him, he doesn't even exist for you. He is who you see he is, and ultimately it's just you again, thinking. It's just you, over and over and over and over, and in this way you remain blind to yourself and feel justified and lost. To think that your partner is anything but a mirror of you is painful. You don't see your partner; you just see what you believe about him. So when you see him as flawed in any way, you can be sure that that's where your own flaw is. The flaws have to be yours, because you're the one projecting them.


You're living with God disguised as your husband, and he will show you all your unclear places, he will give you everything you need in order to get free. That's love. When your partner is seen as God, your Work becomes very simple.






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