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Losing a child (3)

2013-5-19 13:44| 发布者: 三儿| 查看: 897| 评论: 0

摘要: My sister’s dear husband is very afraid. "What will I do without her?" he says. I tell him that it’s simple. "Sooner or later you’ll go to the bathroom, then you will eventually eat, take a walk (h ...
My sister’s dear husband is very afraid. "What will I do without her?" he says. I tell him that it’s simple. "Sooner or later you’ll go to the bathroom, then you will eventually eat, take a walk (he loves to walk), eventually sit down, then eventually stand up, go to bed, wake up, make your coffee in the morning. That is what you will probably do. But your thoughts along the way, your fear of the future and assumption of a past, make those simple things difficult."

He knows that thework.com exists, and he will either Work his thoughts of not. For me, I will Work any thought that is small, petty, mean-minded, unkind, or fearful, or just doesn’t ring true. These conversations seemed very comforting to him. Also he would say something like, "I can’t stop her pain" and fall into a terrible kind of guilt. I hear how wise he is to know that he can’t stop her pain (in that moment, and he has done all that is possible under the circumstances) and he sees himself as falling short and shamefully so.






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