cat1 发表于 2018-7-29 22:26:11


本帖最后由 cat1 于 2018-7-29 22:29 编辑

Iñaki describes to Byron Katie how he becomes fearful when he understands that thoughts create his world.Iñaki向拜伦·凯蒂描述当他了解到想法创造他的世界时,他是如何变得恐惧的。

“Walking down the street,” Iñaki says, “I understood that my thoughts create the world I experience. Then it felt like an abyss was opening around me, like a pool of nothingness. With this feeling came fear. Fear of nothingness, of dissolution, of disconnection, fear of being alone in a cold and unfriendly universe, like an astronaut cut off from his spacecraft and the world, lost in the nowhere.”“走在街上,” Iñaki说,“我了解到我的想法创造了我所经历的世界,那感觉就像一个深渊在我周围打开,就像一片虚无的池塘。伴随着这种感觉而来的是恐惧----害怕虚无,害怕解体,害怕断开联系,害怕孤独地生活在一个寒冷不友善的宇宙中,就像宇航员从他的宇宙飞船和世界中分离出来,迷失在虚无之中。”

“The moment you fear what you perceive as the abyss,” Katie says, “you frighten yourself back into this false world that you see as safe. So there’s nothing enlightened about it; it’s just one more terrifying thought. No different. But it’s enough to keep the ego strong and identified. So let’s prepare for that unfriendly universe. Get still, and imagine yourself as that astronaut. There’s no way back, no help. You’re drifting away. You’re never going to see another human being or get help. And you’re not even going to die. This is forever. What do you want in that moment?”“当你害怕你所认定为的深渊时,”凯蒂说,“你把自己吓回到这个你认为安全的虚假世界。所以它没有给你带来任何启迪;这只是另一个可怕的想法。没有什么不同。但这足以让自我保持强大和认同。所以,让我们为那个不友好的宇宙做准备吧。安静下来,想象自己是那个宇航员。没有回头路,没有帮助,你渐行渐远。你永远不会看到另一个人或得到帮助,你甚至不会死,这是永远的。那一刻你想要什么?”

“I want to feel safe.” Iñaki says.“我想要感到安全。” Iñaki说。

“Other than what you’re thinking and believing, are you safe?” Katie says.

“Yes,” Iñaki says, laughing in recognition.“是的,”Iñaki笑着承认。

“Someone said, ‘Imagination is everything.’ Your imagination frightened you, not the abyss. The abyss has a terrible reputation. It’s so beautiful. And what I love about the abyss is that it’s an opportunity to do The Work. What is truer: “I shouldn’t trust this?” or “I shouldn’t trust my thoughts about this?” Whenever we believe our thoughts, we’re out there in the abyss. ‘The abyss is cold, terrifying, empty, forever, disconnected.’ One turnaround is: your thoughts are cold and terrifying; they would keep you from such a beautiful experience. The next time you’re in the abyss and frightened, capture what you are thinking and question it. After questioning it, the abyss just becomes another place to be still. All you’re going to discover when you’re alone is yourself. With people—without people—fear is fear. You know how to question it. And people, like the abyss, are your imagination. Just like the abyss, we are not who you believe us to be.”“有人说,‘想象力就是一切。’你的想象吓着你了,而不是深渊。深渊有着可怕的名声,但它是如此美丽。我喜欢深渊是因为它给了我做功课的机会。 ‘我不应该相信这个?’或者‘我不应该相信我对这个的想法?’,哪一个更真实? 每当我们相信自己的想法时,我们就离开现实跌入深渊。‘深渊是冰冷的、可怕的、空虚的、永恒的、分离的。’一个反转是:你的想法是冰冷和可怕的;他们会让你远离如此美妙的体验。下次当你在深渊中感到恐惧时,发现你所想的并质疑它。在质疑之后,深渊就变成了另一个平静的地方。当你独自一人的时候,你要发现的就是你自己。有人——--没人——--恐惧就是恐惧。你知道如何去质疑它。人,就像深渊,是你的想象。正如深渊一样,我们不是你所认为的那样。”

lililala6868 发表于 2020-2-7 10:21:35

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