cat1 发表于 2018-7-29 22:23:06


本帖最后由 cat1 于 2018-7-29 22:24 编辑

Aaron Alexander of Align Podcast spends an hour with Byron Katie. As a result of feeling unsafe, insecure, and alone, Aaron has developed a strong social media presence to create support, network, and community for these issues.Align播客的艾伦·亚历山大与拜伦·凯蒂共度了一个小时。由于感到不安全、不自信和孤独,艾伦开发了一款强大的社交媒体,为这些问题提供支持、网络和社区。

“When people are struggling,” Katie says, “inquiry is a place they can turn to. The Work is meditation. It’s a different way of getting still. In this stillness, we invite in the teacher that really matters. We invite what’s shown to us in the silence.”“当人们在挣扎的时候,”凯蒂说,“内在调查是他们可以求助的工具。功课即冥想----它是获取宁静的另一种不同的方式。在这宁静中,我们邀请到来真正重要的老师,我们邀请在静默中给我们所展示的一切。”

Aaron asks, “How important is language in the moment? It feels to me like we create our world around our language, and with every word you’d say, ‘It’s like we’re casting a spell on those around us.'”艾伦问:“语言在当下有多重要?我觉得我们用我们的语言创造了我们的世界,并且你所说的每一个字,‘它就像我们在对我们周围人物施咒一样。’”

“We are,” Katie says. “What I’m thinking and believing is the spell that I’m casting on my life. And that spills over to other people. Is what I’m believing kind? If it’s kind, it’s wise. To live out of a kind mind is an amazing gift. We all have the power to sit in the question ‘Is it true?’ and discover that wisdom.“我们就是这样,”凯蒂说。“我所想的和所相信的是我对我的生活施下的咒语。这会影响到其他人。我所相信的是仁慈的吗?如果它是仁慈的,它就是智慧的。活出一颗仁慈的头脑是一件了不起的礼物。我们都有能力体会‘这是真的吗?’这个问题,然后去发现这种智慧。

“Enlightenment is a trip I invite people not to miss. And I can’t claim enlightenment. What I received was a gift that I can’t take credit for. I’m just grateful that I’m out of that awful suffering, and that I can pass on–to anyone who’s open to it–a way out of depression, loneliness, isolation, addictions, and low self-esteem. There is a way out.”“开悟是我邀请人们不要错过的一场旅行。我不能宣称开悟。我收到的是一份礼物,这礼物我不敢居功。我只是很感激我摆脱了那可怕的痛苦,我可以把它传授给任何愿意接受它的人——一种摆脱抑郁、孤独、隔离、上瘾和自卑的方法。这是一条出路。”。

Aaron asks about Katie’s January 2014 close call with death.艾伦问凯蒂有关2014年1月她与死亡亲密接触的情况。

“Oh yes, my vital organs were shutting down,” Katie says. “I was dying, and the doctors couldn’t do anything about it. This is all detailed in A Mind at Home with Itself. Long story short, I never saw a problem. I love life. I don’t want to waste one moment of that life worrying about the future.”“哦,是的,那时我的重要器官正在衰竭,”凯蒂说。“我快要死了,医生对此无能为力。这些都详细描述在《心安住在家》这本书里。长话短说,我没有看到问题,我热爱生命,我不想浪费生命中的任何一刻去担心未来。

uu99 发表于 2022-2-28 11:19:43

极速飞艇 层两侧端部卷缠在圈钢丝圈上固定。之后在体的外周再粘贴上面胶、侧胶等,这样就形成生。 还可根据需要在接近体处贴上缓冲层。已成型的生从成型筒上取下后,即刻把圈部的间隔由A→B,C→D缩小。
168won 同时在其内部装人圆筒形胶囊(称为水)并充入高压介质使水膨胀,将生定型,然后把体部分修刮成环状。无内轮的缺点是
福彩3D 密封层和自粘层易漏气,途中修理较为困难。此外,自粘层只有在穿孔尺寸不大时方能粘合。天气炎热时自粘层可能软化而向下流动从而破坏车轮平衡,因此,一般多采用无自粘层的无内轮。它的外内壁只有一层密封层,
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