cat1 发表于 2018-7-28 12:18:56


本帖最后由 cat1 于 2018-7-28 12:21 编辑

Byron Katie and Armin Rott ofGermanytalk about how forgiveness really happens through the meditative process of The Work. This interview was part of the first German online Forgiveness Conference in 2017.拜伦·凯蒂和德国的阿明·罗特谈到通过功课的冥想过程宽恕是如何发生的。这次访谈是2017年首届德国在线宽恕大会的一部分。

“Forgiveness,” Katie says, “is knowing that what I believed happened, didn’t necessarily happen. I can put all of these negative thoughts on you like post-its. These are my thoughts; they’re not you. And I’m blaming you for being the person I believe you to be. I’ve made you an enemy.“宽恕,”凯蒂说,“是认识到我相信发生的事情并不一定曾经发生。我可以把所有这些消极的想法像便签纸一样贴在你身上。这些是我的念头;它们不是你。我怪罪你,把你当成我认为的那个人。我把你变成敌人。

“I’m the one doing that to you; you’re never doing it to me. That’s forgiveness. Seeing that what I thought happened, didn’t.“我是那个对你做了什么的人;你从来没有对我这么做过。这就是宽恕。看到我以为发生的,实际上并没有发生过。

“Now I can put these judgments on a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet and question them. With this inquiry we can find ourselves not only in a state of forgiveness, but in a state of connectedness with the person we were judging.“现在我可以把这些评判写在《批评邻人作业单》上并质疑它们。通过内在调查,我们不仅发现自己处于一种宽恕的状态,还可以发现自己与我们所评判的人处于一种连接的状态。

“You didn’t change. I questioned what I believed about you, and forgiveness happened. No one can separate me from another human being; I’m the only one who can do that. If I’m not connected, that’s on me. I look to what I’m thinking and believing.“你并没有改变。我质疑我对你的看法,于是宽恕就油然而生。没有人能把我和其他人分开;我是唯一能做到这一点的人。如果我没有和别人连接,问题一定出在我身上。我会去看我所想的和相信的。

“And if I’ve done anything out of that unkind, believing mind, I admit it, apologize, and make it right when I can, but only when I’m sincere about it. And this can be very humbling. It’s quite a turnaround for the ego.”“如果我做了什么不友善、自以为是的事情,我会承认这点,致以歉意,并在力所能及的时候做出弥补,但前提是我是真心实意地去做它。这会是非常谦卑的。对小我来说,这是一个相当大的反转。”

“The hardest part,”Armin says, “is giving up the perceived need to be right, to attack, to judge, and to not feel how much it hurts.”“最困难的部分”阿明说,“是放弃对正确、攻击、判断以及不去感受它有多痛的感知需要。”

uu99 发表于 2022-2-28 11:18:43

开奖网 层特殊混合物制成的自粘层。当轮穿孔时 168won 自粘层能自行将刺穿的孔粘合,故这种轮也称为有自粘层的无内轮。在圈外侧也有一层圈橡胶密封层,福彩3D 用以增加圈与轮辋着合的气密性。轮辋底部是倾斜的

uu99 发表于 2022-2-28 11:19:12

168won  并涂有均匀的漆层。福彩3D 气门嘴直接固定在轮辋的一侧,其间垫的密封用橡胶密封垫,并用螺母旋紧密封。SG飞艇 铆接轮辋和辐板的铆钉自内侧塞入,并涂上一层橡胶无内轮的优点是:只在爆破时才会失效,而穿孔时漏气缓慢

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