cat1 发表于 2018-7-28 12:11:31


本帖最后由 cat1 于 2018-7-28 12:16 编辑

Jo-Jo from Hercules California asks, “What if the Santa Barbara shooter had had the chance to do inquiry, to challenge the thoughts that led him to kill people? Perhaps he wouldn’t have done what he did.”来自美国加州赫拉克勒斯市的Jo-Jo(乔乔)问道:“圣巴巴拉枪击案中的枪手如果有机会做内在调查,质疑导致他杀人的念头,那会怎样?也许他不会做他所做的事情。”
“If I have no cause to kill. why would I kill?” Katie says. “Every time we do The Work and question the thoughts that cause anger and separation, we lose the ability to do harm, because we are taking care of original cause, which is the mind and what it’s believing.”“如果我没有杀的原因,我为什么要去杀呢?”凯蒂说。“每次我们做功课并质疑那些导致我们愤怒和分离的念头时,我们就失去了伤害他人的能力,因为我们正在关注起因,即头脑和它所相信的东西。”
“Is it possible to do The Work as a community for Elliot and for kids who are not able to discover the questioning of their minds, so maybe they won’t harm people?” Jo Jo asks.“为埃利奥特(注:圣巴巴拉枪击案中枪手的名字)和那些不能发现他们思想问题的孩子们做功课是否有可能作为社区的一项工作,这样的话或许他们就不会去伤害别人?””乔乔问道。
“If that shooting is of concern to me,” says Katie, “then I’m going to do The Work on that shooter. I’m going to question every judgment I have about that shooter from the moment I first heard about him. I’ll put those judgments, what I’m thinking and believing, onto the Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet. And then I’m going to give myself what I want the community to have. And if I don’t find peace with it, I’m going to do another Worksheet. I’m going to call a Certified Facilitator of The Work, I’m going to call the Do The Work Helpline. I’m going to go to the School for The Work. I’m going to go to and follow the simple directions. I’m going to give myself everything I want the community to have. Then I’ll call the community together and invite them to do The Work. Some of them will come, some of them won’t, but you’re serving the community just through the invitation.”“如果我对枪击事件感到担心,”凯蒂说,“那我就去做有关那个枪手的功课。我会去质疑从我第一次听说那个枪手的那一刻起对他的所有评判,我会把这些评判--我的想法和信念--统统写在《批评邻人的作业单》上。这样我将给我自己我想要社区得到的东西。如果做完这些以后,我还感觉不到平静,那我就再去写张作业单。我可以打电话给功课认证协导师求助,我还可以打电话给‘功课求助热线’,我可以去功课学校,我可以去thework.com网站,按照其简单的指引去做功课。我将给我自己我希望社区得到的所有的一切。然后我可以召集社区的人并邀请他们一起做功课。有些人会来,有些人不会来,但是你可以通过邀请他们做功课来服务社区。”
“Is it possible to do The Work for Elliot and other mass murderers, even though they’re gone?” Jo Jo asks.“是否也有可能为埃利奥特和其他大屠杀者们做功课呢?即使他们已经不在人世了。” 乔乔问道。
“To do The Work on him is to shift that,” Katie says. “Do The Work as him. Put yourself in the place of someone who is so bitter, so angry at women, and what he might have been thinking and believing in order to do such thing. You’ll recognize thoughts there, whether they were his or not; you’ll be sitting inside the mind of a murderer. That’s in all of us.“做关于他的功课就是为了转化那些念头,”凯蒂说。“以他的角度来做功课,把自己放在一个如此痛苦、对女人如此愤怒的人的身上,以及在做这样的事情的他可能在想什么和相信什么。你将会认出一些念头,不管它们是不是他的;你将沉入在一个杀人犯的脑海里。我们每个人都有这些念头。”
“When you do The Work on him, you’ll find the murderer in you, and when you do The Work as him, sitting in that car just before he went in to do the deed. By doing that you’re going to clean out everything you don’t want in this world. Once that’s cleared out, there will never be a mass murder that will upset you again. When you’re really clear, he could be aiming at you or at your nieces and nephews, and you will not be alarmed. You will be of service instead. There’s nothing more powerful than peace. And it’s so exciting.”“当你针对他做功课时,你会在你身上找到凶手的影子;当你站在他的角度来做功课时,锁定在他坐在那辆车里在动手之前的场景里。通过这样做,你将清理掉这个世界上所有你不想要的东西。一旦清理干净,就不会再有令你懊恼的大屠杀了。当你神志清明时,他可能在瞄准你或者你的侄女和侄子,而你不会感到惊慌。反而你可以提供帮助。没有什么比平静更强大的了,它是如此令人兴奋。”
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