cat1 发表于 2018-6-26 18:53:02


播客主题:In this fascinating discussion between Byron Katie, John Tarrant, and Stephen Mitchell, the three take a deep dive into similarities between The Work and Buddhism, and how these were woven into “A Mind at Home with Itself.”在拜伦·凯蒂,约翰·塔兰特和斯蒂芬·米切尔之间的这场引人入胜的讨论中,三人深入探讨了“功课与佛教”之间的相似之处,以及如何将其结合而撰写成《心安住在家》这本书。

John begins, “In Katie and Stephen’s new book, Stephen translates and makes very accessible one of the great wisdom texts, the Diamond Sutra, while Katie responds to this text from her inner quiet. Deconstructing your thought forms and what mind is believing is a practice common to Zen Buddhism and The Work, with its four questions and the turnarounds.”约翰开始说道,“在凯蒂和斯蒂芬的这本新书中,斯蒂芬翻译并让这部伟大的智慧经文之一的《金刚经》变得通俗易懂,而凯蒂从她内在的平静中回应这些经文。解构你的思想形态和信念体系是禅宗和功课共同践行的方法,功课用四个问题和反转来探究。”

“I loved interacting with the Diamond Sutra,” Katie says. “Stephen would read me a chapter and then ask me to respond. After hearing it, I always felt that I wouldn’t add anything or subtract anything. Stephen encouraged me to respond by asking me questions. It was such a beautiful experience.”“我喜欢与《金刚经》互动,”凯蒂说。 “斯蒂芬会给我读一章,然后让我回应。听完之后,我总觉得我不会添加任何东西或减掉任何东西。斯蒂芬通过问我问题来鼓励我的回应。这真是一段美妙的经历。”

“Stephen explains, “My intent was to make the Diamond Sutra text transparent so that the Buddha mind could shine through; accessible, here and now, and radiant. My intent was also to bring Zen and The Work together, because we’ve found that each practice enhances the other. For people doing Dharma practice to learn to question specific thoughts that are causing impediments is of enormous benefit, and likewise, meditation practice, deepening one’s stillness and ability to focus, has great benefit for people practicing The Work.”斯蒂芬解释说:“我的目的是使《金刚经》经文变得简单直白,佛陀思想的光芒通过它照耀众生,它将是通俗易懂的、当下即可领悟的,深深照进内心的。我的意图也是将禅与功课结合在一起,因为我们发现其中一种练习都会增强另一种练习的效果。对于那些正在实践佛法的人来说,学习质疑那些造成阻碍的具体念头会带来巨大的好处,同样,冥想练习,加深一个人的定静力和专注力,对于练习功课的人来说也是非常有益的。”

“Yes,” says John, “and there are similarities between the Dharma and The Work as transformational practices. One is the understanding that reality is more profound and beautiful than my maps or thoughts about reality.”“是的,”约翰说,“作为转化练习,佛法与功课之间有相似之处。一个是认识到现实比我的认知地图或关于现实的想法更加深刻和美丽。”

“Inquiry is a way to test that over and over and over,” Katie says. “Through the four questions and the turnarounds, we begin to wake up to the mind as creator of all. That all of the apparent outside really is inner.”“内在调查是一种一遍又一遍反复探究的方法,”凯蒂说。 “通过四个问题和反转,我们开始意识到头脑是所有的创造者。所有外在的表象实际上都是内在的投射。”

John quotes an ancient Chinese Zen master: “‘Zen directly points to the human mind without reference to words or scriptures.’ And of course, scriptures like the Diamond Sutra say that. So inquiry into the nature of mind becomes a practice. There’s really nothing wrong with having a thought, but you can be curious as to whether it’s true or not. So there’s a question mark that happens with it. You’re not trying to get rid of it or contradict it; you’re just wondering about it.”约翰引用了一位中国古代禅宗大师的话:“'禅直指人心,不立文字。'当然,像《金刚经》这样的经典就是这样说的。因此,探究心灵的本质就成为一种实修。有一个念头并没有什么错,但你会好奇它是否是真的。所以对所产生的每一个念头带一个问号。你不是试图摆脱它或反驳它;你只是好奇而已。“

“Yes,” Katie says, “there’s an excitement about it when each thought ends in a question mark. It’s ‘Is it true?’ without experiencing the actual words. It’s that open, brilliant, fearless state of mind where you come to understand and appreciate the true nature of everything.”“是的,”凯蒂说,“当每个念头以一个问号结束时,都会带来一种兴奋感。纯粹地问自己'这是真的吗?',而不是体验实际的话语。正是这种开放,卓越,无所畏惧的心态,让你开始理解和欣赏万物的本质。”

“In a way, that’s a practice,” John says, “because as soon as I start believing something, I can be pretty sure that it isn’t true, because our thoughts are hypotheses about reality. Mainly we think we are our thoughts in a naive sense. We think the world we’ve made of our thoughts is something we’re compelled to live in.”“从某种意义上说,这是一种练习,”约翰说,“因为一旦我开始相信某事物,我就能确信它是不真实的,因为我们的想法是关于现实的假设。主要是,我们天真地以为我们就等于我们的念头。我们认为,我们用念头所创造的世界,是我们被迫生活的地方。”

“Yes,” Katie says, “there’s an excitement about it when each thought ends in a question mark. It’s ‘Is it true?’ without experiencing the actual words. It’s that open, brilliant, fearless state of mind where you come to understand and appreciate the true nature of everything.”“是的,”凯蒂说,“当每个念头以一个问号结束时,都会带来一种兴奋感。纯粹地问自己'这是真的吗?',而不是体验实际的话语。正是这种开放,卓越,无所畏惧的心态,让你开始理解和欣赏万物的本质。”

file:///C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\ksohtml\wps_clip_image-3527.pngAny reaction I experience is an invitation to inquiry — an invitation to experience the questioning of thought. — Byron Katie我经验的任何情绪反应都是内在探究的邀请—— 一个体验质疑念头的邀请 。——拜伦凯蒂

John Tarrant, Roshi, teaches and writes about the transformation of consciousness through meditation on Zen koans (existential questions than can’t be answered through rational thinking).约翰·塔兰特,罗希,通过禅宗公案的冥想来教导和描写意识的转变 (存在的问题,不能通过理性的思考来回答)

lililala6868 发表于 2020-2-7 10:20:34


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