cat1 发表于 2018-6-26 18:45:49


本帖最后由 cat1 于 2018-6-26 18:48 编辑

Tori from France says, “I’m upset because I’m too young to have children” and “I want to accept what’s going on.”来自法国的Tori(托里)说:“我很难过,因为我太年轻了不能有孩子”和“我想接受正在发生的事情”。

She recalls a moment when she was younger, sitting alone in her studio. This is the situation she will meditate on as she questions her thoughts. 她回忆起自己年少时,独自坐在工作室的时刻。当她质疑自己的想法时,这是她沉思的情境。

“So, “You want to accept what is going on”—is it true?” asks Katie. “Or do you want to argue with reality? Other than what you’re thinking and believing, there’s nothing to accept. There’s just the grace of reality. You have everything you need. And how do you react when you believe the thought ‘I want to accept what is going on,’ and you really don’t accept it?”“所以,‘你想接受正在发生的事情 ’ ——这是真的吗?”凯蒂问道, “或者你想和现实争辩?除了你的想法和信念之外,没有什么可以接受的。这就是现实的恩典。你拥有你所需要的一切。当你相信“我想接受正在发生的事情”的想法时,你如何反应?你真的不接受它吗?"

“I feel incapable,” says Tori.“我觉得无能为力,”托里说。

“Yes, because you see images of past and future, so you’re sitting there, lost in the dream,” Katie says. “You’re believing everything you think about those images. The story you place on those images in your head costs you your life. Who would you be without the thought? You would be what is going on. Chair, ceiling, walls…reality. Now can you find an opposite of this thought?”“是的,因为你看到了过去和未来的画面,所以虽然你坐在那里,但是迷失在梦中,”凯蒂说。“你相信所有你对这些画面的看法,你在你头脑里那些画面上所添加的故事,让你付出了一生的代价。没有这个想法你会是谁?你将会是正在发生的事情:椅子、天花板、墙壁…现实。现在你能找到一个反转吗?”

“I don’t want to accept what is going on,” Tori says. “Do I have a choice to accept or not accept?”“我不想接受正在发生的事情,” 托里说,“我可以选择接受还是不接受吗?”

“Not as long as you’re believing your thoughts,” Katie says. “You can trust reality. It’s not going to shift or move for you. Once you know the nature of the universe, that it’s kind, giving, and one hundred percent for you, in service to you–once you understand that, there’s no fear of just noticing what’s going on. The mind is like a child that hasn’t found its way home yet. It doesn’t know how to be or rest in itself. It doesn’t know how to question itself, so there’s chaos. And the feelings that come with that can be terrifying. I invite you to complete a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet, question your thoughts, and wake yourself from the dream.”“只要你相信你的想法,你就没有选择。”凯蒂说。“你可以信任现实。它不会为你改变或移动。一旦你了解到宇宙的本质,它是善良的,给予的,百分之百为你,服务于你的—一旦你明白这点,你就不会害怕,只是去注意到发生了什么。头脑就像一个尚未找到回家之路的孩子,它不知道如何生存,也不知道如何休息,它不知道如何质疑自己的想法,所以就会有混乱。而随之而来的感觉可能会很可怕。我邀请你完成《批评邻人的作业单》,质疑你的想法,并从梦中唤醒你自己。”

lililala6868 发表于 2020-2-7 10:22:37

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查看完整版本: 凯蒂播客新译连载:如何走出梦境进入你的生活(2)